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[edit] Expanding this page
I think the following information is appropriate for all chicken pages, and I would love to see it on Silkies as well:
- Eggs per year.
- Weight ranges.
- Photograph
Silkies are certainly a very unique bird, and I'm certain that have a much more interesting history than a few references by Marco Polo. Any more on the history of the silkie and its usage in China would be very much appreciated.
The photograph is really what's needed to make this page, since silkies have such a unique appearance. Unfortunately I've been unable to find any suitably licensed images, and I haven't kept silkies myself for a couple of years. It will be a while until I get a chance to photograph one myself.
--pjf 00:30, 27 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- I've added an image to the page, but the license is rather cumbersome. The photographer and website must be displayed alongside the image whenever it is shown. A more wikipedia-friendly licensed image would be wonderful. --PJF (talk) 10:47, 27 Nov 2004 (UTC)
- I just identified one silkie here : Image:MG 9563.jpg --User:Salix27 june 2006
- I can give some information about silkie egg laying habits, but is there really any point? Hens do not always lay eggs very regularly, either because they just don't, aren't in the mood, it's the wrong weather, etc. It seems a little silly to talk about how they might lay their cute, tiny eggs every day, but maybe not, but since I find this all normal, I don't know what is common knowledge and what is not.
I've added a photo of my two silkie hens to the page. A higher-resolution photo would still be good. I also question the claim that Ayam Cemani chickens have black blood. Does anyone have a reliable source for this claim? I have found this website but it clearly is unsure about the black blood. Limeguin 12:55, 24 July 2006 (UTC)
- When our silkie got stolen by a coyote, it didn't look as though there was black blood... but that's just anecdote, of course, and it was pretty dusty. Maybe there's a show breeder site or something that might have information? Or a vet? 15:21, 8 November 2006 (UTC) gives the standard weight ranges for this breed. (a link to this site maybe helpful) In addition, there are also silver and cukoo feather colorings. I have never heard of a silkie having problems raising baby chicks or any need to trim birds with chicks due to strangulation. I have a silkie hen who has layed an egg every other day since starting and she is now 10 months old and has yet to be broody. And with the black blood, I doubt this is true but is rather a myth, as bloods color come from the oxygenated hemoglobin. It can appear black if not looked at carefully and has dried or clotted. The black pigment of the skin is due to the excess production of pigment in the chickens connective tissue, which explains why the skin and bones have a darker hue than does the meat. 07:26, 12 March 2007 (UTC)