Society of Christian Doctrine
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The Societas Doctrinæ Christianæ (Society of Christian Doctrine) is a society for Catholic lay men and women in Malta who want to dedicate themselves fully to God and to help the Church in the faith formation of children, youths and adults. It was founded by the Blessed George Preca in 1907. Father Preca was declared Blessed on May 9, 2001.
The Society in Malta has 53 Centres for men [nearly one in every parish] and in some larger parishes sub-branches of the same centre exist. The women's section has 43 Centres. In the nearby island of Gozo, there are 10 Centres for men and 7 for women. The main priority of the Society is catechetical work in the parishes. Every evening all the Society's Centres are open for the catechetical formation of children and youths and occasionally adults as well. All Members are expected to participate in this activity after their normal day's work. After their catechetical classes, the Members participate in a daily one-hour session for their own on going formation in Church doctrine and related studies, pedagogical training and communal prayer. Such activities take place on all days of the week including Saturdays and Sundays. Every Wednesday a general meeting of all Members of the Society resident in Malta takes place in the Society's Mother House. Additional activities are organised especially for the children to include recreational and related activities. The Society also organises specialised courses for its basis on a national scale.
Catechetical work among adults: Though most of the catechetical activity is directed towards children, in particular to prepare them to receive the sacraments, the Society organises on a regular basis similar activities for adults. These are normally held on a parish basis and generally consist of a weekly or two-week course on some aspect of Catholic doctrine. In addition regular meetings for parents of children attending our Centres are held as well.
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