User talk:Spreading its wings
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Can you help translate this for me to swedish? Many thanks in advance!
Albania built its first railroad in 1947, and 40 years later Tiranë was linked to all other major industrial centres in the country. The highway network has been extended even to remote mountain villages. Air transport, however, remains largely underdeveloped. There is no scheduled domestic air service.
--Armour 10:36, 22 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] wtf?
how serious is this? you met a boy in Nauruan apparently called "Etamwarakunkuru", but u then say u didn't even know his name? contradiction much? now if you really did enjoy a relationship with a kid, fair enough. I won't judge. It's cool. It's just the manner and tone and the blatent contradiction there suggests this may be a joke. -- 21:53, 27 November 2005 (UTC)
[edit] Nauruańska Wiki
Ponieważ zadeklarowałaś znajomość polskiego na poziomie pl-3, postanowiłem napisać w tym języku. Również deklarujesz znajomość nauruańskiego, jak również i zamieszkiwanie w Yaren... Czy zdajesz sobie sprawę z istnienia Wikipedii w j. nauruańskim? Zapraszam serdecznie! Z pewnością jako osoba znająca nauruański będziesz nam niezwykle potrzebna! ;) --Artur Lion 22:00, 18 January 2006 (UTC)