St Ann's Church, Manchester
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St Ann's Church, Manchester, was consecrated in 1712. Although named after St Anne, it also pays tribute to the patron of the church, Lady Ann Bland. Although never a parish church, it is a quiet haven in a busy city. St Ann's Church is a grade I listed building.[1]
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[edit] Architecture and setting
At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Manchester was a small rural town little more than a village, with many fields and timber framed houses; a large cornfield named Acres Field became the site for St Ann's church, which is now St Ann's Square. The church was an impressive building. Although it stood between the market and the collegiate church, both steeples could be seen from all directions. It is a neo-classical building, constructed from local pink sandstone. At the time of its construction, the interior was extremely simple, with plain glass windows. However, in the nineteenth century many changes were made to the interior, including the installation of stained glass windows. Some of these were bespoke and others were adapted from other chuches. One such window, on the north side of the church, was designed and made by William Peckitt of York.
[edit] St. Ann's consecration
The Mosleys were the lords of the manor of Manchester and in 1693 the manor was inherited by Lady Ann Bland, daughter of Sir Edward Mosley. Lady Bland was a leader of fashion in Manchester, stauch in her religious and political views a member of the Low Church party. Lady Bland herself at first worshipped at the Presbyterian church in the centre of the town. In 1695, however, Henry Newcome, the incumbent, died and Lady Bland decided to found a church of her own. In 1708, Parliament was petitioned to seek permission to build a new church, as the population of Manchester was increasing rapidly. On 1709-05-18, Lady Bland laid the foundation stone of a new church at one end of Acres Field. On 1712-06-17, the church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester and was dedicated to St Ann — the Virgin Mary's mother, which was a compliment both to the founder and to the reigning Queen.
[edit] John Byrom
As a result of the fact that St Ann's had been built in proximity to the collegiate church, there was a time when it was the done thing to attend "the old church" in the morning and "the new church" in the afternoon or vice versa. One of those who did so was John Byrom, author of Christians Awake, who played quite a prominent part at St Ann's under the first two rectors, despite his Jacobite sympathies.
[edit] Manchester becomes a growing town
Streets had by now fast become more numerous in the St Ann's district; by 1720, St Ann's Square had been laid out and planted with trees in imitation of the fashionable squares of London and Bath. In 1729, Sir Oswald Mosley built an Exchange, not far from the site of the present Exchange. By 1735, buildings had begun to rise on the south side of Acres Field, and King Street and Ridgefield came into being. There was now no longer the simple distinction between "the old Church" and "the new Church". The rapid growth of Manchester as a result of the Industrial Revolution led to the building of other churches.
[edit] St Ann's importance to civic life
St Ann's has always been closely associated with the civic life, and its rectors have from time to time acted as chaplain to the Lord Mayor, the County Council Chairmen and the police. In 1975, the Friends of St Ann's Church was formed from the business houses in the parish, to maintain the fabric of this historic building.
[edit] Gallery
[edit] References