Talk:Star Wars Trading Cards
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Star Wars trading card collectors are many, worldwide, and very passionate about our hobby. This encyclopedic article seeks to introduce the topic, to serve as a place to explain key concepts, and to do so as briefly as possible. The lack of having this information handy and explicit elsewhere, in an unbiased noncommercial setting, has caused many card collectors, especially novices, great consternation. For example, there's confusion over what constitutes a 'box' vs. a 'case', or 'pack-fresh' vs. 'mint' vs. 'excellent'. Some of this information is specific to SWTCs.
The site, linked to in the article, is currently _the_ place on the Web to discuss and trade these cards. However, it is a privately-owned, unfunded site so on occasion the site's owner must purge old posts and knowledge is lost. One time all was lost from the site. So a purpose of this Wikipedia entry is to retain and disseminate some basic information on the topic.
If you are looking to author a new article, one is needed on Star Wars Toys. I don't collect them (much), but they are very important to many. Star Wars is central to our culture these days, much like baseball was a hundred years ago in the U.S., so many articles on its subtopics are quite appropriate.
The article-starting author is not affiliated with Topps, any other trading card company, or eBay. Just an avid collector and trader of the cards! I hope after reading this article you will join us in the hobby, and possibly add to this article. Be careful, however. The article, as originally conceived, is not intended to document all the nuances of the hobby, like the difference between the refractor and regular Finest oversized promo card; there are other places more appropriate for such.
FactsAndFigures 00:27, 20 October 2006 (UTC)
- That's not the way Wikipedia works. This isn't your article. There are long standing policies and guidelines for what belongs in an article. If you want to store stuff from your fansite somewhere, there are plenty of places on the web for that. Wikipedia for encyclopedia articles. ike9898 15:59, 29 October 2006 (UTC)