Street piano
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The Street Piano is a piano on the pavement on Sharrow Vale Road in Sheffield, UK. It was originally left outside temporarily because the owner could not get it up the steps into his new house. As a social experiment the owner and a friend then attached a sign inviting passers by to play the piano for free. This offer was taken up by a great many people and the piano became a part of the local community. It has so far survived for over a year, including being stolen and subsequently replaced by a newer model (having 4/5 separate volunteers willing to provide a new one).
It became the center of a local campaign once the council decided it constituted an abandoned item, and the campaign to save it spread quickly to local news outlets, and several articles on Indymedia. As of July 2006 a spokesman said in an interview for the National BBC Radio 4 that the piano was no longer under threat of removal.