SWAT van
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A SWAT van or SWAT truck is a vehicle used to transport heavily-armed Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team members. These vehicles are often armored and can also be used to transport heavy-duty equipment (for example, rubber bullet guns, machine guns, and battering rams). Sometimes, SWAT vans are used as paddywagons. Used school buses and ambulances can also be converted into SWAT vans or trucks. Very rarely, military Armoured Personnel Carriers are used for this purpose, as is the case with the police department of Phoenix, Arizona which uses an M113 APC as part of its' inventory.
[edit] In Popular Culture
The movie S.W.A.T. featured a large SWAT van made from a converted fire engine. This vehicle was actually difficult to work with during production due to frequent breakdowns and other malfunctions.