Syrena Sport
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Syrena Sport was a prototype sports car made in early 60's by a group of engineers at the Fabryka Samochodow Osobowych FSO. The stylish 2-door fibreglass body was designed by Cezary Nawrot. The typical 2-stroke 2-cylinder S-15 engine did not fit because of the very flat and low bonnet so a new engine was designed. This was a 4-cycle 4-cylinder boxer engine made of two straight-two motorcycle cylinder blocks put together and designed by Wladyslaw Skoczynski. It had a displacement of 750 ccm and developed 25 bhp at 5000 rpm which performed adequately for this light car. Some of the mechanical parts like the front suspension and steering were taken from other versions of the Syrena. The prototype was ready in 1960 and was first shown to the public on the 1st of May (Labor Day in Eastern Bloc countries). At the time it was considered the most beautiful car from behind 'the Iron Courtain' in western Europe. Unfortunately, the government found it "too extravagant and imperialistic" and it never went into production. The sole prototype was destroyed in early 70's.