Operation: T.U.R.N.I.P./Operation: M.I.N.I.-G.O.L.F.
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Operation: T.U.R.N.I.P./Operation: M.I.N.I.-G.O.L.F. (Turnips Unfortunately Reaching Near Infestation Point/Miniaturization Is Now Issue - Golfing Opposite Looney Fanatic) are episodes 105/5 of Codename: Kids Next Door. They premiered December 27, 2002.
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[edit] Operation: T.U.R.N.I.P.
[edit] Plot/Synopsis
Numbuhs 1, 2, 4, and 5 are fighting a huge rabbit robot named HIPPIE-HOP. Soon it is lunch break from the training and Numbuh 3 jumps out of controlling HIPPIE-HOP. They all split up and tried to get food but turnips replaced the water and everything else. Numbuh 2 opens the ice cream vault but turnips burst out. Numbuh 1 suspects someone wants them to eat the turnips. Since the turnips wore down the scanners, the KND take the PIPEPOD with Numbuh 2 obviously driving and fly down into the huge turnip roots to find the source and stop it.
They are traveling through the roots of the turnip, while the mini-turnips eat through the hull of the PIPEPOD. The KND reach the target and quickly escape when the turnips completely destroy the PIPEPOD.
After escaping, they see the giant turnip that's causing all the problems. The turnip farmer tells the KND that with the turnip, he'll be sure to get first prize at the county fair. Suddenly, a rumbling sound occurs. The KND discover that they're up against a giant turnip monster. While Numbuhs 1, 2 4 and 5 are being tortured by the turnip, Numbuh 3 invites HIPPIE-HOP to come over. Numbuh 4 thinks it's a stupid idea, but Numbuh 1 considers it to be a good idea and tells Numbuh 3 to tell HIPPIE-HOP it's a Code X79. Numbuh 3 finishes talking to HIPPIE-HOP and tells it about the situation. HIPPIE-HOP races to the rescue.
HIPPIE-HOP arrives and starts biting the turnip monster. Numbuh 1 is set free and kicks the turnip monster in the stem. It falls, falls on HIPPIE-HOP smashing it.
The KND manage to free themselves somehow, and land on the ground. Numbuh 1 said he thought for sure HIPPIE-HOP would work, but it didn't. He angrily kicks the turnip, which to his and the others' surprise, falls over and rolls off a cliff into the ocean. The turnip farmer chases after it, calling that he needs it to win the fair. After the "End Transmission", some men on a ship see "a giant turnip" and wonder what it's doing there, before it attacks them!
[edit] Notes
Team episode, but a bit centered on Numbuh 3
Villains: Turnip Monster
Villains Technology used: turnips
[edit] Voice Cast
[edit] Operation: M.I.N.I.-G.O.L.F.
[edit] Plot/Synopsis
The episode starts with the KND (minus Numbuh 2) running for dear life as they are chased by a GIANT kid named Big Brother (no relation whatsoever to the Big Brother of politics). Numbuh 2 then shows up in a DART (Dairy Accelerated Rocket Thingy) and tries to hit the giant with it but misses. However, he ricochets about the neighborhood, ultimately hitting Big Brother in the head, knocking him out.
The KND are walking home, but they don't get far when a golf ball hits Numbuh 2 on the head, knocking him out. When Numbuh 2 comes to, he examines the ball and it belongs to a fellow named Rupert Putkin. He feels weird about the KND holding his ball and gets it back, saying he is a champion miniature golfer. Numbuh 5 is surprised that they have champions in mini-golf. Rupert tells everyone sharply that the game is called miniature golf. He then speaks arrogantly about how if he were to play Numbuh 2 "one zillion, billion times", he'd beat him each time. Numbuh 2 promptly accepts the challenge... despite the fact that he had never actually played it before.
The two are now engaged in the game, which Rupert is very good at, while Numbuh 2 isn't, even though he managed to get a hole-in-one with a crashed plane. Pretty soon, they reach the 18th hole, everything depending on whether or not Rupert can get a hole-in-one here or face living the rest of his life in disgrace. Obviously, Rupert is tense and Numbuh 2 tries to relax him by saying it's only a game. This arouses Rupert's agitation and he frustratingly swings his club about wildly. In the process, he accidentally hits the ball straight up and it lands on the tee. Thus, he loses the game and Numbuh 2 wins. A reporter asks if he will go pro, but Numbuh 2 declines, claiming that mini-golf is dumb. Rupert hears his words. By nightfall, Rupert is still at the course and he finally snaps (as does his club).
Back at the treehouse, Numbuh 2 hears the door knocking. He answers and is blinded by a bright light. When he comes to, he is surrounded by the world's historical monuments. He is pleased with where he is until a golf ball hits him on the head. Rupert (now calling himself the Great Puttinski) had shrunken the world's monuments (The Golden Gate Bridge, the Sphinx, the Eiffel Tower, etc.) with the Smallifying/Bigifying Ray and plans to use them as the courses in the Ultimate Miniature Golf Course... which is merely in someone's basement. Rupert had used the ray to shrink both the monuments and Numbuh 2, so they could have a rematch, only this time, Numbuh 2 would be at a "small disadvantage". Suddenly, Rupert's mother calls him for dinner, but he says he's busy destroying his nemesis right now. His mom says he can destroy his nemesis later, but he ignores her, and the game begins. Numbuh 2 is constantly lucky with his swings and makes one hole-in-one after another.
When Rupert and Numbuh 2 reach the final hole, Rupert is disgusted to learn they're both tied. But it doesn't matter to Rupert because if he can get a hole-in-one through this hole, the Smallifying/Bigifying Ray will be activated and it will shrink the entire Earth to the size of a golf ball so Rupert can play golf with the entire universe. Numbuh 2 will have nothing to do with taking a shot that can shrink the world, but Rupert says that the miniature Numbuh 2 will be the ball! Numbuh 2 is now tied up and placed on the tee. He tells Rupert that he should not get worked up over a stupid game and Rupert yells, "IT'S NOT A STUPID GAME!!" In frustration, he again flails his club around. But he accidentally hits Numbuh 2 with it.
Numbuh 2 starts rolling toward the hole that will activate the ray. He reaches the hole and the ray is activated, to Rupert's delight. But then Numbuh 2 then goes bouncing about after he gets flung from the hole, finally hitting the ray machine's switch so that it now is switched from "smallify" to "bigify", increasing the size of the monuments and Rupert, too. He starts to get really upset because, with each step, he is destroying his golf course. Meanwhile, Numbuh 2 is still bouncing around the room. He finally hits Rupert in the head, knocking him out, while the shrink-ray machine destroys itself on one of the monuments. Back at the Sector V Treehouse, the KND congratulate Numbuh 2 on saving the world twice in one day. To celebrate, they decide to play ping-pong... with the still-shrunken Numbuh 2 as the ball!
[edit] Notes
Numbuh 2 episode
Villains: Big Brother and Rupert Putkin (a.k.a. The Great Puttinski)
KND technology used: DART
Villains technology used: Smallifying/Bigifying Ray
[edit] Voice Cast
Preceded by Operation: P.I.R.A.T.E./Operation: C.O.W.G.I.R.L. |
Codename: Kids Next Door episode Operation: T.U.R.N.I.P./Operation: M.I.N.I.-G.O.L.F. |
Succeeded by Operation: O.F.F.I.C.E./Operation: A.R.C.T.I.C. |
Operatives - Villains - Allies - Families - Locations - Episodes
Film: Operation: Z.E.R.O.
Comics: Operation: A.I.R.P.L.A.N.E. - Operation: S.O.D.A. - Operation: T.R.I.K.E.
Games: Operation: V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E. - Operation: S.O.D.A. - Trading Card Game