Tears of the Prophets
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Tears of the Prophets is a name for the ten Bajoran Orbs in the fictional Star Trek universe. The orbs figure prominently in the story arc of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
The Bajoran orbs are somewhat mysterious in that they defy scientific analysis. They are hourglass-shaped and emanate light and a visible field of energy. Each Orb has a unique power or property; some will create visions, others (such as the Orb of Time), can actually transport a person to another time. After an Orb encounter, individuals may experience later visions known as orb shadows. Although medical science explains these residual hallucinations as the result of excess neuropeptides in the brain, Bajorans believe that Orb shadows only result when individuals ignore what their Orb experience had told them.
The first four of the nine original Orbs are named in Deep Space Nine. The fifth, the Orb of Memory, is featured but not directly named. The tenth Orb, the Orb of the Emissary, is also named. The remaining Orbs (6-9) are identified in various Star Trek novels.
Bajorans believe the devices were sent by the Prophets to communicate with the Bajoran people. As gifts from their gods, these orbs are highly prized, kept in ornate jeweled cases and conventionally guarded by force fields. Nine such orbs, at least five of which were found in the Denoris Belt, were recovered by the Bajoran people during their long history. Of these nine, many were stolen or desecrated by the Cardassians during the Cardassian Occupation, and at least one is known to have fractured. A tenth Orb, the Orb of the Emissary, was discovered by Captain Benjamin Sisko on the planet Tiree. This Orb was (presumably) hidden there by his mother, Sarah Sisko, who is one of the Prophets.
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[edit] List of Orbs
The Bajoran Orbs are:
- The Orb of Prophecy and Change
- The Orb of Wisdom
- The Orb of Time
- The Orb of Contemplation
- The Orb of Memory
- The Orb of Destiny
- The Orb of Truth
- The Orb of Souls
- The Orb of Unity
- The Orb of the Emissary
[edit] Descriptions
[edit] The Orb of Prophecy and Change
Also known as the "Hand of the Prophets," this orb has a blue coloration and reveals obscure or unexpected truths about the user's future through surreal imagery. This orb takes into account the intentions and expectations of the user as well as surrounding circumstances. The visions it presents are symbolic and usually difficult to understand. This was the only known orb that was not seized during the Cardassian ocupation of Bajor. To protect the orb, Kai Opaka, the spiritual leader of the Bajoran people, secreted the orb in a monastery led by Vedek Bareil Antos.
The orb of Prophecy and Change is featured prominently in several episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and was consulted by Benjamin Sisko and Vedek Bareil. This orb was also consulted by the historic Bajoran spiritual poet Trakor.
[edit] The Orb of Wisdom
Known as the "Eye of the Prophets," the orb of wisdom reveals obscure or unrealised truths about the user's present situation through surreal imagery. The visions it presents will either hint at an answer to a current problem or tell the user something about himself that he does not consciously know. This was the first orb to appear on Bajor. It was taken by the Cardassians during the Occupation, but in 2371 the Ferengi Grand Nagus acquired it from a contact on Cardassia III, and sold it back to the Bajoran people for a substantial fee.
[edit] The Orb of Time
The Orb of Time is the third orb. It allows the user to be sent throughout time to alter a certain moment, after which time would be altered for the user for better, or worse, depending on the outcome. This orb was given back to the Bajoran people from the Cardassians in 2373 and has since been kept in the Bajoran Temple of Iponu. Disgraced Klingon spy Arne Darvin used the Orb of Time to take the Defiant back to the year 2267, as part of his plan to kill Captain Kirk. Major Kira Nerys also used this orb to travel back in time in order to learn truths about her own family in the episode "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night."
[edit] The Orb of Contemplation
One of the nine original Bajoran orbs, the Orb of Contemplation was housed in the Bajoran shrine aboard the space station Deep Space Nine. In 2374, this Orb was used by Gul Dukat to release a Pah Wraith into the Celestial Temple, causing all the remaining orbs to darken and cutting Bajor off from contact with the Prophets. The energy discharge from the release of the Pah Wraith caused the death of Jadzia Dax, who was standing nearby the orb.
[edit] The Orb of Memory
One of the Bajoran orbs taken by the Cardassians. The crew of the USS Enterprise-E, with the help of Elias Vaughn found the orb on a Cardassian freighter in the Badlands
[edit] The Orb of the Emissary
Discovered in 2375, although not one of the nine orbs which landed on Bajor. This orb has a white coloration. Not much is known about this orb since it has only recently been discovered. The Orb of the Emissary allows only the true Emissary himself to open the box, and will electrify other users. This orb is used to help rid the Celestial Temple of the Pah-Wraiths. It was discovered by Benjamin Sisko. It was through this orb that a prophet inhabited the physical body of Sisko's mother, in order to insure that Sisko was conceived.
[edit] External links
- The Tears of the Prophets article at Memory Alpha, a Star Trek wiki..