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This template is used to nominate other templates for deletion. Templates which include this template, will be added to Category:Templates for deletion.
Usage (at top of page): {{tfd|name of template}}
The Template for Deletion is used to mark a template as a candidate for deletion.
Discussion about the deletion takes place in Wikipedia:Templates for deletion.
- name_of_template: The name of the template is usually the first parameter, to create a link to the appropriate TFD page section. If there are special characters the proper substitutions have to be made to match the section heading anchor. Don't include Template: in the name of the template.
- It's often a good idea to add {{tfd}} in a <noinclude> section of the relevant template, otherwise the TFD note will show up on all pages using the nominated template. This could be considered as disruptive, but "hiding" the TFD can also be controversial.
See also
- - this template
- - inline usage
- - Category and TFD
- - second step in a TFD process
- - similar (cat with same name)
- - TFD info on related pages