Thanjavur Marathi
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Thanjavur Marathi, also commonly spelled Tanjore Marathi, is a community language of the Indo-Aryan Maharashtrians who migrated south, along with Shivaji's half brother Venkoji, to the great land of Thanjavur in India back in the 1600s. The language spoken by this community, also known as "Thanjavur Marathi", is a scholarly dialect far removed from the present day Marathi. It's deceptive similarity to the Saurashtra language suggests a common Indo-Iranian root. The people's eventual assimilation into the Tamil community resulted in a unique culture which retains elements of both cultures and religious beliefs. Although members of this community have spread around the world today, the vast majority are still scattered throughout India with a concentration in and around Tamil Nadu. Most people of this community can trace their lineage back to the 17th century Maratha Empire.
The brahmins are usually ofthe aryan lineage. Historical admixtures between Indo-Scythians and Greeks may be noted. The language they speak is prakrit and derived from sanskrit and influenced by persian, hindi, gujarati, portuguese and local borrowings.