D-Day: The Great Crusade
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D-DAY:The Great Crusade is an historical operational wargame that covers the Normandy Campaign of World War II from 6 June 1944 to 6 July 1944. The game is intended for two players but can be played solitaire or with four players as well.
The 480 game pieces represent individual military units regimental or battalion scale with some units at the company and brigade level. A hexagonal grid superimposed over the two mapsheets regulates movement at the scale of 1.5 km per hexagon. Each turn represents one day of time.
The sequence of play is as follows:
Expanded Sequence of Play
I. Mutual Phase
June 6th Landing Phase (Game Turn 1 Only)
- The German player places Resistance Markers
- The Allied player determines Allied Support Level.
- The Allied player places Support Markers.
- The Landing Results are determined.
Weather & Replacements Phase
- The Allied player rolls two dice to determine the weather for the current game turn.
- The Allied player records the number of Allied air points, naval gunfire points, battleship sup-port points and interdiction level.
- Both players individually roll for Replacements.
- Both players use Replacement Steps immedi-ately, the German player first.
- The Allied player rolls for the withdrawal of the 82nd AB, 101st AB and battleship support when it becomes applicable.
II. Allied Player Turn
Allied Air Strike Determination Phase
- The Allied player places Air Strike Markers to be used during the Combat Phase. Allied Movement Phase
- The Allied player moves his ground units ac-cording to the movement rules. Reinforcements enter play at this time.
German Bombardment Phase
- The German player conducts bombardment at-tacks with his eligible artillery units.
Allied Combat Phase
- The Allied player attacks adjacent German ground units where desired.
Allied Supply Phase
- The Allied player checks supply for his ground units and marks units found Out of Supply with OOS Markers.
Clean Up
- The Allied player removes all Disruption Mark-ers from friendly units and all Air Strike Mark-ers.
- The Allied player resolves bridge destruction and repair attempts.
III. German Player Turn
German Movement Phase
- The German player moves his ground units ac-cording to the movement rules. Reinforcements enter play at this time.
- Generic Infantry Battalions (breakdown battal-ions) may be created at this time. Allied Bombardment Phase
- The Allied player conducts bombardment at-tacks with his eligible artillery, air and naval units.
German Bombardment Phase
- The German player conducts bombardment at-tacks with his eligible artillery units.
German Combat Phase
- The German player attacks adjacent German ground units where desired.
German Supply Phase
- The German player checks supply for his ground units and marks units found Out of Supply with OOS Markers.
Clean Up
- The German player removes all Disruption Markers from friendly units.
- The German player resolves bridge destruction and repair attempts.
The game was designed by Danny Holte and published by Moments in History.