Talk:The Burghers of Calais
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About 20 years ago I saw the Burghers of Calais in Basel Switzerland. It has left a lasting impression on me. Now I am reminded of it as I try to educate our Kamloops B.C. mayor & city council. Kamloops' burghers are united in their desire to oppose what citizens want and cram-down what mayor & council says is good for us. Actually it's not council, it's the planners who have formed "partnerships" w/ developers--planners who mimick what developers say is good for us. As result, the City of Kamloops has for years been selling off greenspaces to put up commercial establishments.
Searching for an image that reminds council of its feduciary responsibility, I remembered Rodin's sculpture.
I hope to hear from people who have burghers in their towns who have acted for the good of the citizenry as did Rodin's role models.
Do we have Burghers of Calais proportions in Canada?