Talk:The Industrial Revolution in China
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Also if someone wants to look at Peter Perdue's newest book China Marches West, the last chapter has an excellent summary of the major theories of Chinese historography.
Roadrunner 17:59, 4 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] To know more chinese economic history first
Before start working on this subject.. I would recommend all editor particpate in this subect to read Andre Gundre Frank's Reorient .. it would partially explaint the economic status of chinese at 19th century..
And there are lots of professional historian work on chinese economic history ... especially regarding this subject.. I'm too busy on working my own master degree thesis to do work here.. but I can give some clue.. chinese economic system is FAR complicate than some high school kid or normal foregin who are not chinese to think there is only self-sustained system.. professionalize farmer.. etc already existed during Song dynasty. And the monetary system of chinese also tells a high level of economic activities.. If I've time I might contribute something to this article...... 14:32, 23 January 2007 (UTC)