Talk:The Thirteen and a Half Lives of Captain Bluebear
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Whereever you want to put it: I think one should mention that the translation isn't exactly fantastic (at least not in the usual sense of the word). Examples? The name that Captain Bluebaer chooses among the Muggs is missing the last part, and the former part seems to be "smoothed" for English readers beyond what is necessary (which both quite defeats the idea of that name!), some lines in the book are just very literal translations of German idioms or references to German culture or idioms (I believe one of them was "Wer A sagt, kann im Nu auch Binomialkoeffizient sagen"), others simply miss Moers' feeling for language and tone... [Sorry, I don't have either book in front of me to give you further examples, it just struck me when I read the book in both languages just a few months apart. I know that translations often aren't great, and I won't claim that this book is worse than others... and yet it's sad when good ideas or lines get lost needlessly, so a brief comment shouldn't hurt.] PS: Some parts of your plot wouldn't be clear to first-time readers, maybe you could briefly explain some of the books characters, inventions, etc. before just throwing them at your reader's face? ;-)
the film mentioned in the chapter about adaptions isn't an adaption to this novel. it is based on a cartoon fór kids.