The Buried Moon
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The Buried Moon or The Dead Moon is a fairy tale included by Joseph Jacobs in More English Fairy Tales. It is a striking unusual tale, with few variants, and often appearing more mythological than is common for fairy tales.[1] It was collected by Mrs. Balfour from the Lincolnshire Fens; its unusual characteristics made many people doubt it, but Mrs. Balfour published her notes, which were generally found reliable, and the Fens proved to have many other unusual legends.[2] The story may be evidence of moon worship.[3]
[edit] Synopsis
Once upon a time, the Carland was filled with bogs. When the moon shone, it was as safe to walk in as by day, but when she did not, evil things, such as bogies, came out.
The moon hearing of this, one day she pulled on a black cloak over her yellow hair and went to see for herself. She fell into a pool, and a tree bound her there. She saw a man coming toward the pool and fought to be free until the hood fell off; the light warned off the man and scared off the evil creatures. She struggled to follow until the hood fell back over her hair, and all the evil things came out of the darkness and buried her under a snag.
The moon never rose again, and the people wondered what had happened until the man she had rescued remembered and told what he had seen. A wise woman sent them into the bog until they found a coffin, a candle, and a cross; the moon would be nearby. So when they did, they hunted about and freed the moon.
[edit] Modern adaptions
Charles de Lint retold this as "The Moon Is Drowning While I Sleep".
No Rest for the Wicked uses several elements of this as initiating events of the story.
[edit] References
- ^ Joseph Jacobs, More English Fairy Tales, "The Buried Moon"
- ^ Katharine Briggs, An Encyclopedia of Fairies, "The Dead Moon" (Pantheon Books, 1976) p. 91. ISBN 0-394-73467-X
- ^ K. M. Briggs, The Fairies in English Tradition and Literature, p 45 University of Chicago Press, London, 1967