The Other Iraq
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The Other Iraq is an advertising campaign created to promote commerce in the Kurdish region of Iraq. It is run by the Kurdistan Development Corporation to promote investment and trade.
[edit] "Thank you" ads
Part of their promotions include a series of advertisements thanking the United States, the United Kingdom, and their allies for removing the regime of Saddam Hussein. The advertisements can be viewed from the promotional website.
[edit] Individuals and advisors involved
Along with the campaign, H.E. Masoud Barzani the President of the Kurdistan Region in Iraq said: "The United States has never wavered in its quest to help Iraqis build a democracy that rewards compromise and consensus. The ever generous American people have paid a tragic price, the lives of their finest men and women, to advance the banner of freedom and democracy, a sacrifice for which we are profoundly grateful." Other spokepeople include:
- Nijyar Shemdin, Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the US, Canada and the United Nations
- Brendan O'Leary, Constitutional Adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government
- Karol Sultan, member of the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland, College Park
- Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the United Kingdom and Chairman of the Kurdistan Development Corporation
- Khaled Salih, Political Advisor to the Kurdistan Regional Government
- Nicholas Somerville, Executive Director of the Kurdistan Development Corporation
- Peter Galbraith, Adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government
- William Garaway, documentary producer William Garaway
[edit] External links
- The Other Iraq
- The Iraq We Haven't Seen, The Washington Post