The Runaway Cart
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The Runaway Cart is a song from the first act of the musical Les Misérables. It follows Fantine's Arrest and is followed by Who am I?. It is divided into two parts: The first one sung by the chorus, Fauchelevent and Valjean with instrumental parts. The second one is sung by Valjean and Javert on a medium-paced tune often picked up by Javert or other policemen (first sung in Valjean Arrested & Forgiven.
[edit] Overview
A cart has fallen on its driver (Fauchelevent, the name is only known from the book) and threatens to crush him. Jean Valjean/Madeleine rescues him, by lifting the cart entirely on his own. As the crowd leaves with Fauchelevent, Inspecot Javert is intrigued: He remembers a man, a convict, who was also known for his remarkable strength. He broke parole eight years ago, has just been rearrested and will be brought to court the same day. After having told the story to "Madeleine", Javert leaves him behind...