The Voice of the Silence
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The Voice of the Silence is a book by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. It was written in Fontainebleau and first published in 1889.
Zen Buddhism scholar Dr Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki wrote about the book "Undoubtedly Madame Blavatsky had in some way been initiated into the deeper side of Mahayana teaching and then gave out what she deemed wise to the Western world..."(Eastern Buddhist, old series, 5:377) He also commented: "Here is the real Mahayana Buddhism." (The Middle Way, August 1965, p. 90.)
[edit] External links
- Voice of the Silence Net
- The Voice of the Silence online
- Commentary on the Voice of the Silence By Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater
- Comments on the Voice of the Silence by Clara Codd
- Reflections on the Voice of the Silence
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