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[edit] Inaccurate Description
- The Music Factory, TMF for short, is a music video channel in the United Kingdom owned by MTV Networks Europe.
In light of its recent output, shouldn't this be changed to
- The Music Factory, TMF for short, is a re-broadcaster of inane, third-rate, celebrity-obsessed and downright crap American "documentaries" (retrieved from MTV and VH1's disposal bin for two-year-old programmes) which feature only the most annoying, vacuous, waste-of-oxygen Hollywood gossip columnists that no-one over here has ever heard of. TMF plays music videos for 15 minutes every week, although 12 1/2 minutes of this is taken up by adverts.
Well, something along those lines anyway :-)
Fourohfour 17:28, 10 November 2006 (UTC)
- Trying to figure out if the person who put this in the article "as is" was vandalising, or actually thought I seriously wanted the article written like that.
- Although I stand by what I said. :) Fourohfour 13:44, 12 February 2007 (UTC)
[edit] nick jr.
Nick Jr. on TMF is sooo pointless!!!!! 02:52, 7 January 2007 (UTC)