Tom Collins (politics)
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Tom Collins is the former Chairman of the Nevada State Democratic Party.
In 2007 he gave permision to FOX news to host a presidential primary debate among democratic candidates in Nevada. This immediately drew lots of attention.
At the time, FOX News was widely recognized as the most conservatively biased television channel to such a degree that they were not regarded as a reliable source of news facts, especially by democrats.
Tom Collins did not consult the state party's board about the decision.
He has not explained his decision to the press yet. Political naivite is suspected. This is quite surprising to find in someone as important to the democratic process as a state party chair.
Tom's choice was quickly rejected by his board and the NV rank & file party members.
In March of 2007, FOX News devoted a great deal of air time to the rejection, though it was not odd that Democrats would reject them.
The issue played a role in struggles to determine which states are permitted by the party to hold primary election caucuses first, and in what sequence.