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[edit] = TonyGuitar =
The Web name for Anthony Robinson who has been activly prompting
the Government of Canada to enact effective Whistle Blower Protection law.
Bill C-11 is the Whistle Blower Protection legislation presently in extended debate in Ottawa. November 16th, 2005
To be effective, Bill C-ll must have strong penalty provisions to discourage those in positions of authority from bullying, firing or penalizing persons who have reported wrong-doing to protect the interests of; Canadian citizens = U.S. Citizens = United Nations Member persons
Governments may be reluctant to enact powerful Whistle Blower protection law as those honest persons who can and will stand up for good ethics could severly limit a Government's creative or flexable use of public monies.
Government views in reply to my notes for prompting enactment of [EFFECTIVE] legislation [Bill C-11] can be reviewd at: September Archives, 2005
Mr. Harper and the CPC Party policy regarding this and other matters of honesty and integrity can be reviewed at:
= United States of America: = Enactment of strong and effective Whistle Blower Protection law is still underway and has been in progress for a very long time in the USA.
Progress and related writings can be found at:
USA: The National Security WhistleBlowers Coalition:
Whistle Blower Law has also been under some considration for the United Nations. That may be a moot point if Scandals like the Oil for food fiasco and others, so undermine the UN as to make it no longer viable or respected in the eyes of nations.
The United Democratic Nations organization may well be a new and better designed authority to properly mediate international nation affairs.
New Page: United Democratic Nations is a Wikipedia Page Anthony Robinson. New Page: Embedded Link [hyperlink]
Edits: Whistle Blower [ Added Allan Cutler to famous whistle blowers list.]
Hyperlink [ Added example: One use of link or hyperlink.]
The web name *TonyGuitar* is also used by a western music singer in Sweden, and a Jazz guitarist in California USA.