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[edit] Orphanage
I found your history of Torbay area very interesting but you have left out an important part of the recent history with regard to St Vincents Orphange,St Vincents Road, Torquay which was established 1883 and lasted until it was closed in the early 1980, they were a major establishment in the town for nearly a hundred years. The Sisters of charity of St Vincent de Paul who ran this orphanage were admired by the local towns people in the task of looking after young orphan boys and at one time there were nearly 150 children at the home who all had to be clothed and fed on the nuns meagre income but supported as i said by many benefactors of the Torquay population.It was a well known site to see crocodile lines of boys trooping through the town with a nun in her blue and white habit.The orphanage is now gone but still the chapel stands as a monument although now owned by a private hospital.