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This page is part of Wikipedia Translation and keeps track of all the information and discussions about this translation. For more information, see Wikipedia:Translation/*/How-to |
Translation Status: Stage {{{Stage}}} : (How-to)
Comment: is a interesting page, but I don't know what exactly it is for. Please translate the Japanese article. Thanks a lot.
Requested by: Hotel Tokyo 09:41, 16 January 2007 (UTC)
Interest of the translation: The site has millions of pageviews a day and I think is something unique.
Translator(s): {{{Translator-s }}}
Translation progress:
{{{Translation_progress}}}%Permanent link to the translated version: {{{Permanent_link}}}
Proofreader(s): {{{Proofreader-s}}}
Proofreading progress:
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Error : Translation stage "{{{stage}}}" is not defined