Turner's hypoplasia
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Turner's hypoplasia is an abnormality found in teeth. Its appearance is variable, though usually is manifested as a portion of missing or diminished enamel on permanent teeth. Unlike other abnormalities which affect a vast number of teeth, Turner's hypoplasia usually affects only one tooth in the mouth and, it is referred to as a Turner's tooth.
[edit] Outcome
If Turner's hypoplasia is found on a canine or a premolar, the most likely cause is an infection that was present when the primary (baby) tooth was still in the mouth. Most likely, the primary tooth was heavily decayed and an area of inflamed tissues around the root of the tooth (called a periapical inflammation), affecting the development of the permanent tooth. The tooth most likely affected by this cause is the canine tooth. The appearance of the abnormality will depend on the severity and longevity of the infection.
If Turner's hypoplasia is found in the front (anterior) area of the mouth, the most likely cause is a traumatic injury to a primary tooth. The traumatized tooth, which is usually a maxillary central incisor, is pushed into the developing tooth underneath it and consequently affects the formation of enamel. Because of the location of the permanent tooth's developing tooth bud in relation to the primary tooth, the most likely affected area on the permanent tooth is the facial surface (the side closer to the lips or cheek). White or yellow discoloration may accompany Turner's hypoplasia. Enamel hypoplasia may also be present.
Turner's hypoplasia usually affects the tooth enamel if the trauma occurs prior to the third year of life. Injuries occurring after this time are less likely to cause enamel defects since the enamel is already calcified.
The same type of injury is also associated with the dilaceration of a tooth.
[edit] References
- Kahn, Michael A. Basic Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology. Volume 1. 2001.
Dentofacial Anomalies: Malocclusion - Micrognathism - Prognathism - Retrognathism - Temporomandibular joint disorder
Developmental Anomalies: Amelogenesis imperfecta - Anodontia - Concrescence - Dens evaginatus - Dens invaginatus - Dentin dysplasia -
Dentinogenesis imperfecta - Dilaceration - Enamel pearl - Fusion - Gemination - Hyperdontia - Macrodontia - Microdontia - Regional odontodysplasia -
Talon cusp - Taurodontism - Turner's hypoplasia
Hard, Soft and Periapical Tissues: Attrition - Abrasion - Ankylosis - Dental caries - Denticles - Erosion - External resorption - Fluorosis - Gingivitis - Hypercementosis - Impaction - Internal resorption - Periodontitis - Pulpitis - Pulp stones - Ulcer
Maxillomandibular Anomalies: Ameloblastoma - Odontogenic keratocyst - Torus mandibularis - Torus palatinus
Lip and Oral Mucosa: Angular cheilitis - Erythroplakia - Hairy leukoplakia - Leukoplakia
Salivary Glands: Drooling - Benign lymphoepithelial lesion - Frey's syndrome - Mikulicz's disease - Mucus retention cyst - Mumps -
Necrotizing sialometaplasia - Ranula - Sialadenitis - Sialolithiasis - Sjogren's syndrome - Stomatitis - Xerostomia
Tongue: Geographic tongue - Fissured tongue - Glossitis - Glossodynia