TV Raman
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[[1][TV_Raman] also known as T. V. Raman] is a computer scientist from India. He has worked on speech interaction and markup technologies in the context of the World Wide Web at Digital's Cambridge Research Lab (CRL), Adobe Systems and IBM Research; he presentely works at Google Research. His research interests are primarily auditory user interfaces and structured electronic documents. His PhD thesis entitled [[2][Audio System For Technical Readings]] was awarded the [[3][ACM Dissertation Award]] in 1994. Raman went on to apply the ideas on audio formatting introduced in AsTeR to the more general domain of computer interfaces
[[4][Emacspeak]]; on Monday, April 12, 1999, Emacspeak became part of the Smithsonian's Permanent Research Collection on Information Technology at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History.
Here are some pointers to his work in approximate chronological order:
- [[5][AsTeR]] --Audio System For Technical Readings ยท - [[6][Aural CSS]] -- producing rich auditory presentations from Web content. - [[7][Emacspeak]] --the complete audio desktop. - [[8][XForms]] -- Next Generation Web Forms - [[9][XML Events]] -- A reusable eventing syntax for XML - [[10][XHTML+Voice]] -- Enabling the multimodal Web via voice interaction - [[11][RDC]] -- Reusable Dialog Components - [[12][Google Accessible Search]] -- for finding accessible Web content