TVSR Appa Rao
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Dr. T.V.S.R. Appa Rao is a scientist from India. He is an Emeritus Scientist with over 40years of experience in Research & Development in the areas of structural analysis design, testing, and failure investigations including those due to natural hazards. He obtained his Bachelor's Degree with Honours in Civil Engineering from Andhra University in 1962 and was a Gold Medalist of the university.
He received Masters degree in Structural Engineering from University of Hawaii and Ph.D from Cornell University, USA in 1968. After a brief period of experience as a consultant in USA., he joined the Structural Engineering Research Centre(SERC), India, in 1969, and became its Director in 1995. He continued his research studies at SERC,as an Emeritus Scientist after his retirement in 2001.
He has made a number of research contributions in the areas of Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Structures, development of Finite Element Methods,Stability of Steel Structures, Risk and Reliability Analysis of Structures, Damage Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis of Structures in Cyclone-prone areas. He has also research interests in Earthquake-resistant Design of Structures and Development of High Performance Concretes.
He has more than 125 research publications to his credit. He was awarded the Aerospace Engineering Division Gold medal by the Institution of Engineers(India) in December 1995 for the paper on 'Analysis for ship-water interaction effects. He received Vocational Excellence Award 1998 from Rotary Club of Madras Metro. He is the leaser of the teams which won the Engineering technology Prize (1999) and Engineering Technology Shield(2000) of CSIR. He was awarded the Indian Building Congress Medal in 2003 for his paper on Integration of Computer and IT applications.
He was a Visiting Associate professor at Cornell University, USA, during 1976-'77. He was on the Editorial Board of the international journal 'Engineering of Structures'. He was a Visiting Scholar at Standford University, USA.
He visited USA, Germany, Canada, Bulgaria, Japan, DPR Korea, Malaysia and Thailand. Served as a member in several national committees of R&D and served as a guide/examiner for Doctoral Research work at leading academic institutions.
He is a fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of Institution of Engineers (India) and a member of a number of professional bodies.
Contents |
[edit] Areas of Interest/experience
Structural Engineering
Structural Analysis : Computer- aided, Finite Element Methods, experimental Design : Computer Visualization, Computer software development
Computer Applications
Information Technology applications
Disaster Mitigation
Artificial Intelligence applications
Science & Technology development
Human Development&Spirituality
[edit] Main Areas of Research Experience
- Finite element analysis of structures - linear, nonlinear and
stability analysis : and strength/damage assessment of existing structures
- Computer-aided analysis and design of structures
- Development of computer software including Expert Systems
- Experimental Stress Analysis
- Information Technology Applications for Computer Integrated Design and Construction
[edit] Academic Honours and Awards
Gold Medalist for standing first in B.E. Degree Examination, Andhra University
Awarded East-West Center Fellowship for post-graduate studies at Univeristy of Hawaii, USA
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., USA (1967-68)
Visiting Associate Professor at Cornell University, USA (1976-77)
Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, USA (Sept.1989)
Awarded the Aerospace Engineering Division Gold Medal by the Institution of Engineers (India) in December 1995 for the paper on "Analysis for ship-water interaction effects"
Received Vocational Excellence Award 1998 from Rotary Club of Madras Metro
Received ‘1999 CSIR Prize for Engineering Technology’ for contributions in the field of computational technology and software development
Received CSIR Shield for ‘Engineering Technology’ for the Year 2000 in the area ofStructural Engineering
Awarded the Indian Building Congress Medal for the paper presented in Nov. 2003
[edit] List of Publications
125 Research papers published in national and international journals and/or presented in national and international conferences.
The list of the R&D publications is given below:
1. Errera, S.J., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Beams and columns braced by thin-walled steel diaphragms', 8th Congress of the IABSE, held at New York, Sept. 1968
2. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Errera, S.J., and Fisher, G.P., 'Columns braced by girts and a diaphragm', ST5, ASCE, May 1969
3. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'An assumed stress hybrid finite element model for the analysis of axisymmetric thick-walled pressure vessel', presented at the First International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, West Germany, Sept. 1971
4. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Narayanan, R., Paul Joseph, G., and Ramachandran, V., 'The role of structural models in the design of prestressed concrete containments with particular reference to the Madras Atomic Power Project', presented at the Symposium on Nuclear Science and Engineering, held at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, March 1973
5. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Behaviour of concrete nuclear containment structures up to ultimate failure with special reference to MAPP-1 containment', presented as an invited theme paper at the symposium on Structural Mechanics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, March 1975
6. Ramaswamy, G.S., Rajaraman, A., Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., and Khadakkar, A.G., 'Minimum weight design of parabolic dish antenna', presented at the Second International Conference on Space Structures, Surrey, England, Sept. 1975
7. Errera, S.J. and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Design of I-shaped beams with diaphragm bracing', ST4, Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, April 1976
8. Ramaswamy, G.S., Reddy, D.V., Chitale, S.L., Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., George, Z., Srinivasan, R.S., and Bobby, W., 'Design of hyperbolic paraboloid shell roof for a large auditorium', World Congress on Space Enclosures, Montreal, Canada, July 1976
9. Errera,S.J. and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Design of I-shaped columns with diaphragm bracing', ST9, Journal of Structural Division, ASCE, September 1976
10. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Narayanan, R., Paul Joseph, G., and Khuddus, M.A., 'Structural model study of MAPP-1 containment', Proceedings of the Second Annual Engineering Mechanics Division Speciality Conference, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, pp. 109-111, May 1977
11. Rajagopalan, K., Selvaraj, S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'The torsional stiffness of a cylindrical tube with a reinforced cutout', presented at the International Conference on Computer Applications in Civil Engineering, held at University of Roorkee, India, Oc. 23-25, 1979
12. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Loganathan, K., and Gallagher, R.H., 'A discrete stiffener element for doubly-curved shells', presented at the International Conference on Computer-Applications in Civil Engineering, held at University of Roorkee, India, Oct. 23-25, 1979
13. Khadakkar, A.G., Nagesh R. Iyer, and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Determination of the torsional stiffness of an azimuth tube with a stiffened opening by holographic inter-ferometry', Optics and Lasers in Engineering, pp.147-159, 1, 1980
14. Jayarama Rao, G., Khadakkar, A.G., Narayanan, R., Ravi Sankar, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'An optical system to increase the sensitivity of moiré analysis of strains', Tenth Symposium on Optics, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, Jan. 1982
15. Jayarama Rao, G., Khadakkar, A.G., Narayanan, R., Ravi Sankar, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'An optical system to increase the sensitivity of moiré to analyse strains', Journal of Optics, Vol.11, No.3, July-Sept. 1982
16. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Khadakkar, A.G., Rao, G.J., Narayanan, T., Sambandam, T., Iyer, N.R., 'Assessment of structural behaviour of MAPP-1 containment from pressure test', Trans. 7th Intl. Conf. On Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 22-26 August 1983, pp. 125-130
17. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Khadakkar, A.G., Ravi Sankar, K., and Nagesh R. Iyer, 'Stiffened rectangular cantilever shell subjected to a corner load', Proc. Of Second International Conference on Computational Mechods and Experimental Measurements, On board Liner Queen Elizabeth-2’, June-July 1984
18. Gautam Sarabhai, Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Loganathan, K., Muralidharan, K., Sharma, P.C., Ramaswamy, G.S., 'Design and construction features of composite ferrocement shell roofs of optimum shape for the vocational workshop of the B.M. Institute, Ahmedabad, presented at the Second International Symposium on Ferrocement, Bangkok, Jan. 1985
19. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Loganathan, K., and Nagesh R. Iyer, 'Computer-aided analysis and design of ship structures', paper presented at the Workshop on Engineering Software – Applications and Research (ENGSAR), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, Jan. 1985
20. Khadakkar, A.G., Ravi Sankar, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Three-dimensional photoelastic investigation of jaws of bridge superstructure', Jl. of Structural Engineering, Madras, Vol. 11, No. 4, Jan. 1985, pp 105-113
21. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Nagesh R. Iyer, Satish Chandra, and Pandian, N., 'Instability analysis of stiffened hyperboloidal shells', paper presented at the Second International Conference on Computer Aided Analysis and Design in Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, India, Jan. – Feb. 1985
22. Ravisankar, K., Narayanan, R., Jayarama Rao, G., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Residual Stresses in Indian Standard Rolled Steel I-Sections', Jl. of Structural Engg., India, Vol.12, No.1, April 1985, pp.21-27
23. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Pandian, N., Satish Chandra, and Nagesh R. Iyer, 'Performance of straight and curved finite elements for analysis of curved beams and arches' – Paper presented at the International Conference on Finite Elements on Computational Mechanics (FEICOM) held at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Dec. 1985
24. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Loganathan, K., and Nagesh R. Iyer, 'Computer-Aided analysis of ship hull structures' – Proc. Marine Symposium, Madras, Jan. 1986
25. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., and Venkateswarlu, B., 'Wind effects on industrial structures', Proc. Indo-US Workshop on Wind Disaster Mitigation, Madras, 17-21, Dec. 1985
26. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Structural behaviour of a prestressed conmcrete containment: Assessment from model and proof tests', paper presented at the Workshop on 'Structures for Nuclear Power Reactor Technology', held at IIT, Madras, during 25-28 February 1987
27. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Spatial stability of curved beams', in Journal of Structural Engineering (India), Vol. 14, No.4, Jan. 1988, pp. 121-127
28. Pandian, N., Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., and Satish Chandra, 'Studies on performance of curved beam finite elements for analysis of thin arches', Computers & Structures, Vol.31, No.6, 1989, pp. 997-1002
29. Suri Krishna Mohan and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R.a, 'Effect of column settlement on stress resultants in hyperboloid cooling towers', presented at Seminar on Finite Element Applications for Practical Problems and ASKA Users’ Conference, NAL, Bangalore, 28-29, Jan. 1988
30. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Stability of structures – Applications', Lecture notes in Engineering edited by J.N. Reddy, C.S. Krishnamurthy and K.N. Seetharamu, Springer-Verlag, July 1988, pp 491-524
31. Khadakkar, A.G., Narayanan, R., Ravi Shankar, K. Iyer, N.R., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Free Vibrations of a Cylindrical Shell by holographics Interferometry', Journal of Sound & Vibration (1988), 121(1), pp. 169,180
32. Nagesh R. Iyer, Zachariah, K.Z., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Studies on free vibration of hyperboloic cooling tower shells', paper presented at International Symosium on 'Innovative Applications of Shells and Spatial Forms' held at Bangalore during 21-25, Nov. 1988
33. Nagesh R. Iyer and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Studies on stress concentrations at shell-column junctions of hyperboloid cooling towers, Computers & Structures, Vol.34, No.2, 1990, pp 191-202
34. Zachariah, K.Z., Nagesh R. Iyer, and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Modelling of ship hull structures for finite element analysis', paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Software-89, IIT, Delhi, Dec. 1989
35. Krishna Mohan Rao, S.V., Gopalakrishnan, S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Effect of tension stiffening on the nonlinear post-cracking behaviour of hyperboloid cooling towers', paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Software-89, IIT, New Delhi, Dec. 1989
36. Gopalakrishnan, S., Krishna Mohan Rao, S.V., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Inelastic analysis of windloaded cooling towers', paper presented at the National Seminar on Cooling Towers, NTPC, New Delhi, Jan. 1990
37. Pandian N., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Instability analysis of natural draught cooling towers', paper presented at the National Seminar on Cooling Towers, NTPC, New Delhi, Jan. 1990
38. Nagesh R. Iyer, Rajasankar, J., Zachariah, K.Z., Palani, G.S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Procedures for dynamic response analysis of ship hull structures subjected to propeller-induced excitations – A critical review', Proceedings of the National Seminar on ‘Marine Technology Perspective – 2000 A.D.’, Marine Engineers Division, Institution of Engineers (India), New Delhi, Feb. 1990
39. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Analysis and design of natural draught hyperboloid cooling towers – An assessment of the status and future trends', paper presented at the International Conference on Advances in Structural Testing, Analysis and Design, IISc, Bangalore, July-Aug. 1990
40. Pandian, N., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Studies on effect of imperfection on stress resultants in hyperboloid cooling towers', Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.16, No.2, 43-48, 1989
41. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Design of Ship Hull structures – An Overview of the Development', Advances in Steel structures, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., New Delhi, 357-377, 1990
42. Nagesh R. Iyer, Rajasankar, J., Zachariah, K.Z., Palani, G.S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Procedures for dynamic response analysis of ship hull structures subjected to propeller-induced excitations', Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Marine Engg. Division, Vol.72, 13-22, 1991
43. Pandian, N., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'A knowledge based expert system for the preliminary design of natural draught cooling towers', Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.18, No.4, January 1992, pp 141-148
44. Nagesh R. Iyer, Rajasankar, J., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Studies on added mass evaluation of ship-water interaction', Proceedings of the National Seminar on Offshore Structures, Visakhapatnam, C31-C39, 1992
45. Palani, G.S., Nagesh R. Iyer and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'An efficient finite element model for static and vibration analysis of eccentrically stiffened plates/shells', Computers & Structures, Vol.43, No.4, 651-661, 1992
46. Nagesh R. Iyer and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'A review of error analysis and adaptive refinement methodologies in finite element applications, Part-I: Error Analysis', Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.19, No.2, 77-94, 1992
47. Nagesh R. Iyer and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'A review of error analysis and adaptive refinement methodologies in finite element applications, Part-II: Adaptive Refinements', Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.19, No.3, 1992
48. Nagesh R. Iyer, Rajasankar, J., Palani, G.S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'An efficient algorith for vibration analysis of submerged/floating structures', Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.19, No.3, 1992
49. Palani, G.S., Nagesh R. Iyer, and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'An efficient finite element model for static and vibration analysis of plate/shells with arbitrarily located eccentric stiffeners', Journal of Sound and Vibration, 163(3), 1993
50. Rajashankar, J., Nagesh R. Iyer, and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'A new 3-D finite element model to evaluate added mass for analysis of fluid-structure interaction problems', International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36, pp 997-1012 (1993)
51. Ramanjaneyulu, K., Gopalakrishnan, S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Collapse loads of reinforced concrete cylindrical water tanks using limit analysis approach', Journal of Computers and Structures, Vol.48, No.2, 1993
52. Nagesh R. Iyer, Rajasankar, J., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Analysis of ship-water interaction effects', Proceedings of the 8th National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, IIT, Kharagpur, March 5-6, 1993
53. Gopalakrishnan, S., Krishna Mohan Rao, S.V., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Investigation of ultimate strength of reinforced concrete shells employing nonlinear finite element analysis – Case Studies', Proc. Of Int. Symp. On Innovative World of Concrete, Bangalore, Aug.30-Sep.3, 1993
54. Pandian, N., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Developments in the constitutive modeling of the reinforced concrete and their impact on the design of natural draft cooling towers', Proc. of National Seminar on Energy Structures, Madras, Feb.27-28, 1993
55. Gopalakrishnan, S., Krishna Mohan Rao, S.V., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Nonlinear analysis of RC hyperboloid cooling towers Part I' Material Model, Finite Element Model and Validation; Part II: Parametric study and results', Int. Jl. of Computers and Structures, Vol.49, No.6. pp 913-930, 1993
56. Balaji Rao, K., Thomas, K.C., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Stochastic modeling of cyclones', Third Asia-Pacific Symposium on Wind Engineering, Hong Kong, Dec. 1993
57. Muralidharan, T.L., Durgaprasad, J., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Damage assessment and vulnerability analysis of structures subjected to cyclones', Third Asia Pacific Symposium on Wind Engineering, Hong Kong, Dec. 1993
58. Durgaprasad, J., Muralidharan, T.L., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Development of knowledge-based expert systems in structural engineering', Int. Computing Congress, Hyderabad, Dec. 1993
59. Appa Rao, Nagesh R. Iyer, G.S. Palani and J. Rajasankar, 'Finite Element Models for Vibration Analysis of Ship Hull Structures for Propeller-Induced Excitations,' Proceedings of the 5th International Marine Design Conference & Summer Meeting of the German Society of Naval Architects, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, May 1994, pp 235-249
60. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Advances and trends in finite element modeling for computer-aided structural analysis', paper presented at the National Symposium on Structural Mechanics – 1994, IIT, Kharagpur, Dec.8-10, 1994
61. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Nagesh R. Iyer, Zachariah, K.Z., and Rajasankar, J., 'Finite element modeling of ship hulls using interactive graphics', paper presented at NASAS-94, held at IIT, Kharagpur, Dec.8-10, 1994
62. Rajasankar, J., Nagesh R. Iyer, and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'A boundary element formulation for exterior fluid-structure interaction problems', paper accepted for presentation at NASAS-94, held at IIT, Kharagpur, Dec.8-10, 1994
63. Balaji Rao, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Reliability analysis of frames subjected to extreme winds', 9th Int. Conference on Wind Engineering, New Delhi, Jan. 1995
64. Muralidharan, T.L., Durgaprasad, J., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'A knowledge-based expert system for damage assessment and vulnerability analysis of structures subjected to cyclones', 9th Int. Conference on Wind Engineering, New Delhi, Jan. 1995
65. Palani, G.S. Nagesh R.Iyer, Appa Rao, T.V.S.R 'Instability Analysis of Hyperboloidal Shells using the 9-Noded Lagrangian Plate/Shell Element', Proceedings of the Intl. Conf. on Stability of Structures, Allied Publishers Ltd., pp. 605-616, 1995
66. Appa Rao,T.V.S.R ' Knowledge Based Expert System for Damage assessment and Vulnerability Analysis of Structures subject to cyclones Proc. of Workshop on Engineering of Structures for Mitigating Damage Due to Cyclones, Vol.22, No.1, Jan. '95, pp 1-10
67. Balaji Rao,K., and T.V.S.R.Appa Rao, 'Reliability Analysis of Frames Subjected to extreme winds', 9th Int'l Conf. in Wind Engineering, New Delhi Jan. 1995 pp 1182- 1194
68. Murlidharan, T.L., Durgaprasad,J., Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Knowledge Based Expert System for Damage assessment and Vulnerability Analysis of Structures subject to cyclones', 9th Int'l Conf. in Wind Engineering, New Delhi Jan. 1995 pp 2176-2188
69. Appa Rao, TVSR, Muralidharan, T.L., Balaji Rao, K. and Durgaprasad, J., 'Knowledge-based expert system for damage assessment and vulnerability analysis of structures subjected to cyclones', Journal of Structural Engineering (India), Vol.22, No.1, April 1995, pp.1-10.
70. Nagesh R. Iyer, J.Rajasankar and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Analysis for Ship-Water Interaction Effects ', Jl. Of Aerospace Engg. Div., The Instit. of Engineers (India), 75, May 1995, pp. 1-5
71. Arul Jayachandran S., Vaidyanathan C.V., and Appa Rao T.V.S.R., 'Collapse predictions of thin plates under compression', International Conference on Stability of Structures, ICSS-95, Coimbatore, June 1995, pp 561 – 574
72. Balaji Rao, K., and Appa Rao, TVSR, 'Reliability of reinforced concrete beams against first crack inflexure', Journal of Structural Engineering (India) , Vol.22, No.3, Oct, ‘95, pp.145-152
73. Gopalakrishnan, S., Ramanjaneyulu, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Wind Loaded Natural Draught Cooling Tower Shells' First National Conference on Computer Aided Structural Analysis and Design (NC-CASAD), Hyderabad, January, 1996, pp 166-173
74. Gopalakrishnan, S., Ramanjaneyulu, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shell Structures', International Seminar on Civil Engineering Practices in Twenty-first Century, Roorkee, Feb., 1996, pp 170-179
75. Durgaprasad, J, Muralidharan, T.L., and Appa Rao T.V.S.R., 'Application of artificial Neural networks for damage assessment in structural Engineering' Journal of StructuralEngineering (India), V.23, No.1, April 1996, pp 9-14
76. Gopalakrishnan, S., Ramanjaneyulu, K., Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Studies on Inelastic Behaviour of Perfect and Imperfect Cooling Tower Shells', 4th International Symposium on Natural Draught Cooling Towers, held at Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 29-31, 1996, pp 173-181
77. Ramanjaneyulu, K., Gopalakrishnan, S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Finite Element Analysis of a Cooling Tower Shell with Openings for Flue-gas Ducts', 4th International Symposium on Natural Draught Cooling Towers, held at Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 29-31, 1996, pp 345-353
78. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Nonlinear Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Shell Structures - Trends and Application in Design', National Seminar on Materials and Structures, Bangalore, 26th July 1996, I.1 - I.10
79. Balaji Rao, K and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Risk Analysis for Cyclone-Prone Regions and Industrial Structures', Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications, held at Tokyo, Japan, (during 12-14 November 1995), Proc. published 31st July 1996, pp. 204-211
80. Gopalakrishnan, S., Ramanjaneyulu, K., Manjuprasad, M., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Design considerations and codal provisions for natural draught cooling towers', Proceedings of the national seminar on 'Industrial Structures', Madras, 23-24, December, 1996, pp. I.33-46
81. Murlidharan, T. L., Durgaprasad, J., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Knowledge-based Expert System for Damage Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis of Structures Subjected to Cyclones', Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 72, 1997, pp. 479-491
82. Gopalakrishnan, S., Ramanjaneyulu, K., Manjuprasad, M., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Role of nonlinear finite element analysis in the design and assessment of strength of natural draught cooling tower shells', Proceedings of Structural Engineering Convention 1997, Madras, February 12-14, 1997, pp. 479-488
83. Rajasankar J, Nagesh R Iyer, Appa Rao T V S R, 'Knowledge based design of offshore deck grillages', Proc., Structural Engineering Convention 1997, IIT, Madras, Feb 12-14,1997, pp.97-107.
84. Ramanjaneyulu, K., Gopalakrishnan, S., Manjuprasad, M., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Investigations on structural behaviour of cooling tower shells with openings for flue gas ducts', Proceedings of Structural Engineering Convention 1997, Madras, February 12-14, 1997, pp. 489-499
85. Nagesh R Iyer, Palani G S, Appa Rao T V S R, 'Modelling of steel plated local grillages for dynamic analysis', Proc. Conference on Ship and Ocean Technology, IIT Kharagpur, Mar 4-6, 1997, pp.131-137
86. Manjuprasad, M., Gopalakrishnan, S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of RC Cooling Tower Shell Subjected to Wind Load Using Layered Shell Elements', Proceedings of the National Seminar on Wind Effects on Structures, Ghaziabad, April 3-4, 1997, pp. 263-275
87. Nagesh R. Iyer, J. Rajasankar, G.S. Palani and T.V.S.R. Appa Rao 'An Efficient Procedure for Computation of Wet Modal Characteristics', Proceedings of the 7th NASAS on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity (Eds. S.A. Hussainy, B.K. Parida, V. Shankar and C.G. Shah), NAL, Bangalore, August 1997, Allied Publishers Ltd., pp. III-146 to III-153
88. Durgaprasad, J., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R. 'Parameter Interdependencies for Development of a KBS for Risk Analysis', Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, vol. II, No. 4, Oct. 1997, pp. 224-230
89. Thomas K.C, Balaji Rao, K and Appa Rao T.V.S.R, ' Reliability Analysis of Steel Roof Trusses subject to Wind Loads', Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.78, Feb-98, pp.180-187
90. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Natural Disaster Mitigation – Roles of R&D Industitutions and the Media', Seminar on Natural Disaster Prevention and the Media, Anna Institute of Management, Chennai, 14th Oct. 1998, pp 88-94
91. Balaji Rao, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Probabilistic analysis of design wind loads and reliability based design of structural components', Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Vol. 25, No.1, April 1998, pp 65-74
92. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Some recent advances in computational methods for structural analysis', Key-note paper presented at the International Conference on Structural Engineering, Institution of Engineers (India), Sept. 25-27, 1999
93. Balaji Rao, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Cracking in reinforced concrete flexural members – A reliability model', Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, Vol.7, No.3, March 1999, pp 303-318
94. Manjuprasad, M., Gopalakrishnan, S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Nonlinear finite element analysis of RC shell structures subjected to dynamic loads using layered shell elements', Proc. International Conference on ‘Innovative World of Concrete-98’, held at Calcutta during 16-19, Nov, 1998, pp 7.47 – 7.54
95. Muralidharan, T.L., Rao, K.B., Durgaprasad, J., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Handling uncertainties in knowledge-based modelling and acquisition for the development of a knowledge-based system', Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (USA), Mar 1999, pp 141-154
96. Balaji Rao, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'A methodology for condition assessment of RC bridge girders with limited inspection data', The Bridge & Structural Engineer, Ing-IABSE, Vol.29, No.4, December 1999, pp 13-26
97. Lakshmanan, N., Shanmugasundaram, S., and Appa Rao, TVSR, 'Studies on structural response of chimneys and industrial structures using boundary layer wind tunnel', Specialist Conference on Industrialised Building Systems & Structural Engineering, , WEC-99, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 1999
98. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Strategies for engineering of buildings and structures for cyclone disaster mitigation', TCDC Workshop on Natural Disaster Reduction – Policy Issues and Strategies, Dec.21-22, 1999, SERC, Madras
99. Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., Nagesh R. Iyer, Rajasankar, J., and Palani, G.S., 'Dynamic response analysis of ship hull structures', Marine Technology, Vol.37, No.3, Summer 2000, pp 117-128
100. Balaji Rao, K., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Probabilistic analysis of strength of steel imperfect columns', Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.27, No.1, April 2000, pp 41-48
101. Rajasankar, J., Nagesh R. Iyer, and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'A procedure to assemble only non-zero coefficients of global matrix in finite element analysis' – Technical Note – Computers and Structures, 77 (2000), 595-599
102. Manjuprasad, M., Gopalakrishnan, S., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Non-linear dynamic response of a reinforced concrete secondary containment shell subjected to seismic load', Journal of Engineering Structures, 23(2001), 397-406
103. Gopalakrishnan, S., Ramanjaneyulu, K., Manjuprasad, M., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Nonlinear behaviour of RC shell structures subjected to dynamic loads', Proceedings of the National Symposium on Advances in Structural Dynamics and Design, Jan. 9-11, 2001
104. Arunachalalam, S., Govindaraju, S.P., Lakshmanan, N., and Appa Rao, T.V.S.R., 'Across-wind aerodynamic parameters of tall chimneys with circular cross-section – an empirical model', Engineering Structures, 23 (2001), 502-520
105. T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Advances Towards Integration of Computer Applications and IT for Design and Construction of Structures - An Overview', Keynote Address, Proc. of SEC-2001, Recent Developments in Structural Engineering, IIT, Roorkee, October 2001
106. T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Trends in Computer Applications and Use of Information Technology for Design, Construction and Maintenance of Infrastructural Facilities', Journal of Indian Buildings Congress, Vol.9, No.1, June, 2002
107. T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Efficient Use of Computer for Design and Construction of Structures - An Overview of Problems & Issues', Proceedings of the National Seminar on Recent Challenges in Civil Engineering (RCCE-2002), organized by Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (India), Hyderabad, June 22, 2002
108. T.V.S.R.Apparao, Review of the Book on 'Guidelines for the Use of Computers for Engineering Calculations', Published by the Institution of Structural Engineers, 11 Upper Belgrade Street, London SWIX, 8BH, 2002, pp 47, The Indian Concrete Journal, August 2002
109. T.V.S.R.Apparao & V.Laxmi Narasaiah, 'Use of Computers and Information Technology by the Construction Industry in India - Assessment of Present Status and Needs', Project EMR-0141,Report No.01-03, SERC, Chennai, February 2003
110. T.V.S.R.Apparao & V.Laxmi Narasaiah, 'Developments in Computer and Information Technology Applications towards Computer Integrated Construction (CIC)', Project EMR-0141, Report No.02-03, SERC, Chennai, June 2003
111. T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Advances in the Use of Computers and IT for Design and Construction of RC Structures', Proceedings of the National Seminar on Innovative Technologies in Construction of Concrete Structures, organized by Kavikulguru Institute of Technology & Science, Ramtek, February 2003
112. T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Modelling Issues for Finite Element Analysis' Proceedings of the Workshop: Finite Element Analysis and Design of Structures (FEADS), Dec. 2003, SERC, Chennai. pp. 1-17.
113. T.V.S.R.Apparao, and V.L.Narassaiah, 'Methods and Techniques for Integrating Computer and Information Technology Applications Towards Computer integrated Construction' Journal of Indian Building Congress, Volume X , No. 3, 2003, pp1-10.
114. T.V.S.R.Apparao and V.Laxmi Narasaiah, 'Use of Computers and Information Technology by Construction Industry in India –An Assesment by Survey and Directions for Improvement', Communications, NICMAR Journal of Construction Management, Volume XIX, April – June 2004 Number II, pp. 55-57.
115. R.K.Arun, and T.V.S.R. Appa Rao, 'Methodology for Integrating Computer Aided Design With Construction Scheduling', Journal of Structural of Engineering, Vol.31, No.4,January.- March, 2005 , pp.281-288.
116. T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Development of Information Systems and Networking for Disaster Management - An Overview', Proceedings of the World Congress on Natural Disaster Mitigation, New Delhi, Feb. 2004.pp. 325-336
117. M.B.Anoop, K.Balaji Rao, T.V.S.R.Apparao, and S.Gopalakrishnan, 'International Standards for Durability of RC Structures: Part-I - A Critical Review', The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.75, No.9, September 2001
118. M.B.Anoop, K.Balaji Rao, T.V.S.R.Apparao, and S.Gopalakrishnan, 'International Standards for Durability of RC Structures: Part- II – Recommendations for IS 456: 2000', The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol.75, No.11, November 2001
119. T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Some Important Considerations and Application of Experimental Investigations for Design and Condition Assessment of Structural Components and Systems', Invited Plenary Lecture Presented at the XI NASAS Conference, organized by NAL, Bangalore, 8-9 February 2002
120. B.Geetha, Nagesh R.Iyer and T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Multigrid Solver in Adaptive Finite Element Solution', Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.No.29, No.4, January- March 2003, pp 239-243
121. M.B.Anoop, K.Balaji Rao, T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'A Methodology for Durability- Based Service Life Design of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members', Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol.55, No.3, June 2003, pp 289-303
122. K.Ramanjaneyulu, S.Gopalakrishnan and T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Seismic Response Analysis of Column supported Natural Draught Cooling Tower Shells', Proc. of The National Seminar on Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Feb. 2003,SERC, Chennai, pp 461-473
123. S..Gopalakrishnan, M.Manjuprasad and T.V.S.R.Apparao, 'Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of RC Secondary Containment Shell Subjected to Seismic Excitation', Proceedings of the National Seminar on Design of Nuclear Power Plants, Feb. 2003, SERC, Chennai, pp 41-52
124. K.Balaji Rao & T.V.S.R.Appa Rao, 'Stochastic modeling of crack width in reinforced concrete beams subjected to fatigue loading', Engineering Structures 26 (2004), pp 659-667
125. K.Balaji Rao, M.B.Anoop, N.Lakshmanan, S.Gopalakrishnan and T.V.S.R.Appa Rao, ‘Risk-based remaining life assessment of corrosion affected reinforced Concrete structural members', Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.31, No.1, April-June 2004, pp 51-64