UK Pokémon Regional championships
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2006 saw the first appearance of Pokémon regionals in the UK. The were held in April 2006 and the players competed for cards and elctronic games. The largest regionals were held in London and Bournemouth. The 15 years and over winners are listed as follows;
Scotland (Glasgow)
1st - Cole Bendall
2nd - Fred Entenmann
3rd - Andrew Ritchie
4th - Gordon White
North East (Hull)
1st - Andy Stone
North West (Manchester)
1st - Nitesh Doolub
2nd - Andy Stone
1st - Sami Sekkoum
2nd - Faisel Khan
3rd - Justin Kempley
4th - Martin Hart
South Coast (Bournemouth)
1st - Dominic Jordan
2nd - Justin Kempley
3rd - Sami Sekkoum
4th - Andy Stone
The 11-14 years and over winners are listed as follows:
North East (Hull)
1st - Alex Bramham