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Many years ago I heard the calling...
Upon one starry night I beheld a figure in the distance. Assuring myself I rose to inpect it further. As I approached I could see but one thing, a massive tree (approx. 35 meters tall, 12 meters wide) on the trunk of the tree there was but carved a single name, and this is how it read: "TREVOR SOUTHARD"
No more did I understand then, than do I understand now who or what "Trevor Southard" is. Upon the tree incinerating itself, I found it my sole purpose to cronicle this "Trevor Southard". After 15 years of work I have compiled the tales I could summon from commoners and intellects alike.
If one is to understand my tale one must first read my article on the man. It is a compendium of all my knowledges that have been learned over the course of the 15 years. It is but a brief summary of the journals that I have kept and interperets his greatest triumphs into a form that all can enjoy.
Be warned. This is no cheerful tale of heroism, but the dark journey of a powerful being who struggles between self pleasure and common good. As I have stated previosly, this is my life work, this is my goal, this is my journey. But it is not solely mine, for it is the interesting tale of "Trevor Southard"