Transformers: Universe
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Transformers: Universe is a line of toys consisting of repainted re-releases from various Transformers toy lines. The toy line has spawned several series of comics and other stories. In addition, Marvel Comics produced an unrelated mini-series called Transformers Universe. (see below)
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[edit] Marvel Comics
Transformers Universe was the name of a 4-issue limited series published by Marvel Comics in 1986 to showcase profiles of the most popular characters in the Transformers comic and cartoon series, in addition to The Transformers: The Movie. The series was demanded by fans of the comic series who were already familiar with Marvel's own 12+ issue Marvel Universe reference series profiling their own characters in alphabetical order. After the four issue run (which covered most Transformers used from 1984 to 1986 -- only Bandai-made figures and those omitted from the American animated series bible were not shown), a second series of Transformers Universe profiles were run in the closing pages of most Transformers comics, from issue #47 to issue #79. These later profiles covered popular characters from 1987 and 1988. The concept was revived in 2002 when Dreamwave Productions published Transformers: More Than Meets the Eye (and its sister title for Transformers: Armada), this time carrying profiles for all Generation 1 (and Armada) characters -- popular and obscure. In addition to providing another concise resource for Transformers characters, the MTMTE series allowed Dreamwave to showcase their artists' new styles of illustrating the pre-1984 to 1991 characters.
[edit] Toy Line
Transformers: Universe is a Transformers comic series and toy line that was started to reintroduce repainted versions of past figures. The Transformers: Universe toy line traces its origins back to when Hasbro imported the Transformers: Car Robots toy line from Takara and called it Transformers: Robots in Disguise. Although they made Hasbro versions of most of the Car Robots characters, they also released a number of repainted molds from previous toy lines (yet uncharacterized in Car Robots; mostly Generation Two and unused Beast Machines concepts) and released them as part of the Robots in Disguise line. When the Robots in Disguise line ended and Transformers: Armada started, the repaint line was given its own title, Transformers: Universe.
Meanwhile the BotCon Covention Comics had a plotline set during and after Beast Machines. This plotline was wrapped up with the repainted figures from RiD and Universe to create the storyline of Transformers: Universe.
[edit] Story
In a post Beast Machines era, Cybertron is enjoying a time of peace. However, it is cut short when the evil Unicron returns planning to exact his revenge and consume the universe. Using his tremendous powers, he reaches into other time periods and dimensions to assemble an army of familiar faces to challenge the forces of good. In response, Primus resurrects and reformats Optimus Primal, and the two work together to gather an army of their own. Each side takes the name of an ancient Transformer faction: Primus' warriors are the Autobots and Unicron's are the Decepticons. As the battle progresses, the Transformers radiate energon, unaware that Unicron is taking this energy for himself.
In the comic series, Unicron consumes the sparks of fallen Transformers, not just energon given off when they die fighting.
Most Universe toys lacked any tech specs on the boxes, however many of the toys did have tech specs appearing on the Transformers official web site or in the short lived Transformers: Universe and Wreckers comic books.
[edit] Comics
The Transformers Universe comic series was released through the Official Transformers Collector's Club. It came to an end when the license for the club and convention was given to Master Collector.

[edit] Transformers: Universe #1
On the reformatted technorganic Cybertron Cheetor, Rattrap, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were interviewed by the Autobot reporter Rook. They then welcomed the Autobots Roulette, Shadow Striker, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Trailbreaker back to Cybertron. Buzzsaw, Quickstrike and Rockbuster were also present. The returning Autobots along with Blackarachnia and Silverbolt were then abducted via teleportation beams and taken to Unicron. Tap-Out, Transformers: Armada Megatron, Brawn, War Within Grimlock and Snarl were also abducted from various timelines. Silverbolt, Blackarachnia, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were forcibly reformatted by Unicron. Taken captive by Razorclaw, Reptilion, Obsidian, Tankor and Striker, the Autobots were forced to fight one another. They witnessed Armada Smokescreen kill Generation One Smokescreen, whose spark was absorbed by Unicron. Sensing the need for a champion Primus and Alpha Trion brought Optimus Primal back to life.
[edit] Transformers: Universe #2
After the events of the Botcon 2003 voice actor play Optimus Primal, Megatron and Grimlock are holding Striker defeated. Optimus Primal is able to use his spark telepathy to free Striker from Unicron's influence. Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are forced to fight. Silverbolt and Trailbreaker discover that each of their holding cells are attuned to the spark energy signature of its occupant. In order to escape their prisons Trailbreaker and Silverbolt swap sparks for a brief time, and are able to break out of each others cells. Optimus Primal helps break free the slaves from various timelines which are held there and gets them to Cybertron. Blackarachnia and Shadow Striker defect to the Decepticons and stay behind. Blackarachnia discovers Tarantulas is working for Unicron.
[edit] Transformers: Universe #3
Optimus Primal pleads with Magnaboss and the Maximal High council (which includes Bantor, Air Hammer, Corahda, Torca and Battle Unicorn) to take the threat of Unicron seriously, but they doubt his claims. Optimus Primal is detained, but Snarl frees him. Alpha Trion and Primus claim they need Primal to choose his troops from any Cybertonians past or present, and he chooses Rhinox and Depth Charge, who are brought back to life. Although Rhinox is happy to have a second chance to redeem himself, Depth Charge isn't pleased with being brought back from the dead. Depth Charge rescues Rattrap from an attack by Blackarachnia.
[edit] Transformers: Universe - Wreckers #1
Starts with a flashback to late Generation One, where Daniel Witwicky and Wheelie are killed. This puts Daniel's friend Arcee into a sad state. Hot Rod and Springer talk about becoming Maximals. Main story is set in the later episodes of Beast Machines. In "Departure" the Wreckers, Mutants and Dinobots arrive on Cybertron and are sent on missions by the Oracle. Arcee, Dillo, Mol, Rav, Skywarp, Cyclonus, Rotorbolt and Devcon join the Wreckers. Contained Primeval Dawn Part 1, a story set on the Beast Wars Earth just after the Maximals left at the end of the Beast Wars television series. The Vok return Airazor and Tigatron to Earth as Transmetals, and then use the Matrix from Optimus Prime, the Transmetal 2 Driver and the control suit from the Beast Wars which was used by Quickstrike to control Optimal Optimus to create Primal Prime. We learn Tarantulas (Fox Kids repaint colors) and Ravage (Transmetal 2 Tripredacus Agent version) are still alive and are making a new army of Predacons.
[edit] Transformers: Universe - Wreckers #2
In "Betrayal" - the Dinobots are attacked by the Dweller. Mutants are killed by the Quintessons. The Wreckers meet Glyph and Tap-Out. Cyclonus betrays the Wreckers for his true master, Cryotek. Contained Primeval Dawn Part 2. The Maximals are joined by Ramulus. The Predacons (Ravage, Razorclaw, Spittor and Iguanus) attack as Tarantulas rips the Matrix out of Primal Prime. In a flashback scene Rodimus Prime consulted Quickmix, Skids, Perceptor and Rad on his plans to send out ships to gather information on threats from space after the defeat of Unicron.
[edit] Transformers: Universe - Wreckers #3
The Wreckers rescue a banished Quintesson who tells them a story of the origin of Cybertron. Dinobots meet up with Devcon, who is hunting Cryotek. Contained Primeval Dawn Part 3. Primal Prime is reanimated by the Vok.
[edit] Transformers: Universe - Wreckers #4
Unreleased issue. Main story would have merged the story with the other Universe comic. Artwork released on the internet contained appearances of the Dinobots, Devcon, Rook, Snarl, Skydive, Longhorn, Che and the Monsterbots. Story involved the invasion of Cybertron by the Quintessons. Would have contained Primeval Dawn Part 4, the last part of that story. Presumably the story would have contained the death of Airazor, the defeat of Tarantulas and the Maximals being joined by Fractyl, Packrat, Spittor and Sonar and returning to Cybertron.
[edit] Other Stories
At Botcon 2003, a voice actor play was written by Simon Furman, set in the Transformers: Universe comic between issues 1 and 2.
[edit] Play 1 Synopsis
War Within Grimlock, Armada Megatron and Universe Optimus Primal are each transported to the Unicron world, where they eventually team up and fight Striker and Reptilion. Note, there is a small continuity error in that this story ends with Grimlock, Megatron and Primal standing over Reptilion, but issue #2 of the comic starts with them standing over Striker.
Another a voice actor play was written for Botcon 2004, set after the events in the comics.
[edit] Play 2 Synopsis
Rhinox has built a device to deflect Unicron's attempts to pull victims from other dimensions with his tractor beam. The Autobots deflect two attempts and the victims end up on a frozen planetoid instead of with Unicron. Maximals Rattrap and Silverbolt and the Predacon Waspinator are sent to help the victims, but Reptilion, Sunstorm, Ruination and Perceptor are sent to get them for Unicron. As a side effect of the device Rhinox built, a vortex opens which sucks in an Autobot shuttle from the past piloted by Bumblebee, Tracks and Cosmos. Thrust attacks the Maximal ship, but they are saved by being transported to the Autobot shuttle. The Autobots and Maximals then go to the planet where they save the victims from the Decepticons. On the planet are two groups of Autobots. One is from the Robots in Disguise story, with Landfill (Walmart recolor), Side Burn (Universe recolor) and Prowl (Universe recolor). The other is from another parallel world with Spychanger Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Prowl and Ironhide. They all fight off the Decepticons. The Autobot shuttle is sent back to its own time.
[edit] Master Collector Comic
The Transformers: Cybertron comic featured Sentinel Maximus, a character who is the fused form of the Transformers characters Primal Prime and Apelinq, who were merged to be able to defeat Cryotek during an untold story. Universe characters Nemesis Prime, Ramjet and his Mini-Cons also appeared in this story.
In the comic story found in issue 8 of the Transformers Collectors Club magazine Cybertron/Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime told the story of the last battle he was in, set in the Transformers: Universe storyline. Alongside 10th Anniversary Optimus Primal they attacked the last of Unicron's forces when Unicron suddenly disappeared, and they barely escaped. Among the Autobot forces were Universe Fireflight, King Atlas, Universe Night Slash Cheetor, Universe Longhorn, Universe Prowl, Universe Repugnus, Rhinox, Universe Side Burn, Universe Silverbolt, Generation One Sideswipe, Generation One Sunstreaker, Tap-Out, Trailbreaker, Cybertron/Robots in Disguise Ultra Magnus and Universe Whirl. Among the Decepticons were Universe Blackarachnia, Nemesis Strika, Universe Obsidian, Universe Razorclaw, Reptilion and Universe Skywarp.
[edit] Autobot/Maximal Toys
Led by the reformated Optimus Primal, the Autobots are as follows:
- Air Raid - 2004 redeco of Generation 2 Cyberjet Air Raid (came packaged with the Decepticon Wind Sheer).
- Arcee - Repackage of Energon Arcee.
- (Night Slash) Cheetor - Redeco of Beast Machines Night Slash Cheetor.
- Camshaft - 2006 repackage of the second clear recolor Spy Changer W.A.R.S. with a new bio. Character is supposed to be a homage to the Generation 1 Omnibot Camshaft, but isn't the same color. Exclusive to Family Dollar stores.
- Crystal Widow - A redeco of Beast Machines Blackarachnia (came packaged with the Decepticon Oil Slick and Mini-Con Search and Destroy), a K-Mart store exclusive.
- Defensor - Combined form of the Protectobots, American release of Generation One Sixturbo.
- Depth Charge - 2004 redeco of Beast Wars version, came with Cybershark drone. Hasbro designer Aaron Archer claimed at BotCon 2004 that this toy's color scheme was meant to resemble Boba Fett's Slave-1
- (Dinobot) Striker - 2004 redeco of Beast Wars Neo Saberback.
- (Dinobot) Triceradon - 2004 redeco of Beast Wars Neo Guiledart.
- Fireflight - 2004 redeco of Beast Machines Spy Streak (came packages with repaints of the Mini-Cons Firebot and Thunderwing).
- First Aid - 2004 Micromaster redeco of Sireen, forms part of Defensor, a Kaybee store exclusive.
- Glyph - Recolor of Generation One Bumblebee keychain.
- Groove - 2004 Micromaster redeco of Glide - forms part of Defensor, a Kaybee store exclusive.
- Hoist - A redeco of Robots in Disguise Spychanger X-Brawn.
- Hoist - 2006 repackage of the second clear recolor Spy Changer Ironhide with a new bio. Character is supposed to be a homage to the Generation 1 Hoise. Exclusive to Family Dollar stores.
- Hot Spot - 2004 Micromaster redeco of Neo-Wheel, forms part of Defensor, a Kaybee store exclusive.
- Inferno - 2005 redeco of Transformers: Robots in Disguise Prowl, painted in a style resembling Generation One Red Alert. According to Glen Hallit, had the Transformers: Universe comic continued, this character would have been a reincarnation of Beast Wars Inferno.
- Ironhide - A redeco of Generation Two Motormouth, painted as an homage to 1984 Autobot Trailbreaker; came packaged with TF: Universe Spychanger Ultra Magnus.
- (Autobot) Jazz - A redeco of Robots In Disguise Spychanger Side Burn.
- King Atlas - A redeco of Predator Skyquake/Machine Wars Starscream, designed to resemble the Japanese-exclusive character Diatlus.
- Longhorn - A redeco of Beast Wars transmetal 2 Ramulus. This toy was actually called Transformers: Universe Ramulus on the Hasbro web site, but in the box it was labeled Longhorn.
- Magna Stampede - 2004 redeco of Beast Machines Battle Unicorn. Sold with Stockade and 2 Mini-Cons.
- Mirage - 2006 repackage of the second clear recolor Spy Changer Mirage with a new bio. Character is supposed to be a homage to the Generation 2 Go-Bot Mirage (whth which it shares a the same mold). Exclusive to Family Dollar stores.
- Optimus Primal - Redeco of first Beast Wars gorilla version.
- Optimus Prime - Redeco of Robots in Disguise version in yellow.
- Optimus Prime - 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise Spychanger in yellow, packaged with Spychanger Prowl.
- Optimus Prime - 2005 repaint of Robots in Disguise Spychanger Scourge painted to resemble Generation One Optimus Prime.
- Prowl - 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise Prowl.
- Prowl - A redeco of Robots In Disguise Prowl II, made to be an homage to 1985 Autobot Red Alert.
- Prowl - 2004 redeco of Road Police, forms part of Defensor.
- (Autobot) Ratchet - 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise X-Brawn.
- Red Alert - 2004 redeco of Discharge, forms part of Defensor.
- Repugnus - Repaint of Beast Wars Buzzclaw, painted as a homage to Generation One Repugnus.
- Rook - Recolor of Generation 1 Windcharger keychain.
- Roulette - BotCon 2003 exclusive remold of Robots in Disguise Side Burn.
- Sentinel Maximus - Redeco and remold of Transformers: Armada Overload. His Mini-Con/Headmaster partner was originally to be named Hyperlinq, although it is meant to be the same character as Apelinq. It was changed to Apelinq for the final release through Hasbro.
- Side Burn - 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise Side Burn.
- Sideswipe - Remold of Robots in Disguise Prowl.
- Signal Flare - Repackage of the Energon toy.
- Silverbolt - Redeco of Beast Wars Fuzor.
- Silverstreak - Repaint of Robots in Disguise Side Swipe.
- Skydive - 2004 redeco of Beast Machines Skydive.
- Smokescreen - A redeco of Armada Smokescreen, with Mini-Con, packaged in a "Battle in a Box" with Decepticon Ransack and Mini-Con Liftor.
- Stockade - 2004 redeco of Beast Machines Tank Drone. Sold with Magna Stampede and 2 Mini-Cons.
- Storm Jet - 2006 repaint of Micromaster Raker, a former Japanese exclusive in Generation One.
- Storm Jet - Repackage of Energon Storm Jet.
- Streetwise - 2004 redeco of Circuit II, forms part of Defensor.
- Strongarm - Repackage of Energon Energon Strongarm.
- Swerve - 2004 redeco of Armada Blurr (came packaged with the Mini-Con Roadhandler, a repaint of the Armada Mini-Con Incinerator).
- Tap-Out - Recolor of Generation 1 Cliffjumper keychain.
- Terradive - Repackage of Energon Terradive.
- Treadshot - Repackage of Energon Treadshot.
- Ultra Magnus - Redeco of Armada Optimus Prime as the Generation One character, with the Mini-Con Over-Run. Packaged in a "Battle in a Box" set with Treadshot and Nightbeat.
- Ultra Magnus - Redeco of Robots in Disguise version.
- Ultra Magnus - 2004 redeco of Robots in Disguise Spychanger in black.
- Wheeljack - A redeco of Robots In Disguise Spychanger Daytonus.
- (Autobot) Whirl - 2004 redeco of Generation 1 Rotorstorm painted to look like Generation 1 Whirl.
- Windrazor - Repackage of Energon Windrazor.
[edit] Decepticon/Predacon Toys
Led by Razorclaw, the Decepticons are as follows:
[edit] The Generals/The Heralds of Unicron
- Nemesis Prime - Redeco of Japanese Big Convoy, a Target store exclusive.
- Ramjet - Redeco of Armada Skywarp, Toys-R-Us exclusive.
- Razorclaw - Redeco of Beast Wars Tigerhawk.
- Reptilion - Redeco of Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Iguanus.
- Obsidian - Redeco of Beast Machines version, packaged with Decepticon Tankor.
- Tankor - Redeco of Beast Machines version, packaged with Obsidian.
[edit] The Followers
- Armorhide - Repaint of Robots in Disguise version. Forms part of Ruination.
- Barricade - Rerelease of Energon Barricade, overstock sold at closeout stores like Big Lots.
- Blackarachnia - Redeco of Beast Machines version.
- Blastcharge - Black repaint of Beast Machines version.
- Bonecrusher - Micromaster forms part of Devastator.
- Bonecrusher - Repaint of Robots in Disguise Build Team member painted to look like Generation One Constructicon Bonecrusher.
- Cruellock - Repackage of Energon Cruellock.
- Cyclonus - Redeco of 'Beast Machines Jetstorm, a convention exclusive.
- Devastator - Micromaster combiner, repaint of Generation One Sixbuilder.
- Doomlock - Repackage of Energon Doomlock.
- Frostbite - A redeco of Beast Wars Transmetal II Jawbreaker.
- Hightower - Micromaster forms part of Devastator.
- Hightower - Repaint of Robots in Disguise Hightower painted to look like Generation One Constructicon Hook.
- Insecticon - Rerelease of Energon Insecticon, available in Family Dollar stores.
- Ironhide - Remold of Energon Tow-Line. Part of the seven figure convention exclusive set.
- Longhaul - Micromaster forms part of Devastator.
- Longhaul - Repaint of Robots in Disguise Build Team member painted to look like Generation One Constructicon Long Haul.
- Megazarak - Redeco of Armada Megatron and Galvatron, a convention exclusive.
- Mega-Octane - Repaint of Robots in Disguise version. Forms part of Ruination.
- Movor - Repaint of Robots in Disguise version. Forms part of Ruination.
- Nemesis Strika - Repaint of Beast Machines Strika.
- Oil Slick - Redeco of Armada Sideswipe, a K-Mart store exclusive.
- Overbite - Repaint of Beast Wars Second Hellscream.
- Quickmix - Micromaster, forms part of Devastator.
- Ransack - Redeco of Armada Hoist. Note, the Hasbro web site referred to this toy as Bonecrusher, not Ransack.
- Rollbar - Repaint of Robots in Disguise version. Forms part of Ruination.
- Rotor - Repaint of Robots in Disguise version.
- Ruination - Combined form of the Commandos.
- Scavenger - Micromaster, forms part of Devastator.
- Scavenger - - Repaint of Robots in Disguise Build Team member painted to look like Generation One Constructicon Scavenger.
- Shadow Striker - BotCon 2003 exclusive remold of Robots in Disguise Side Burn.
- Skywarp - Repaint of Beast Machines Deluxe Jet Storm, painted in the colors of Generation One Skywarp. Although he is a Decepticon, in the comics he is not allied with Unicron's Decepticon forces, but is a member of the Wreckers, a mostly Autobot and Maximal group.
- Soundwave - Repaint of the Machine Wars version painted to resemble Generation One Soundwave, packaged with Spacecase.
- Steamhammer - Rerelease of Energon Steamhammer, similar to Barricade.
- Shadow Striker - Remold of Robots in Disguise Side Burn.
- Spacecase - Repaint of the Generation Two version, packaged with Soundwave.
- Sunstorm - Redeco of Armada Thrust, packaged with Mini-Con Inferno (redeco of the Armada Mini-Con Inferno) and a redecoed Armada Street Action Team.
- Treadshot - Redeco of Armada Sideswipe with the Mini-Con Nightbeat, sold in a two-pack with Ultra Magnus and Over-Run.
- Wideload - Repackage of Energon Wideload.
- Wind Sheer - Repaint of Generation Two Cyberjet packaged with Universe Air Raid.
[edit] Mini-Con Toys
A number of Mini-Cons were released in the Transformers: Universe line, since the Universe line took a number of molds from the Armada line. Oddly several Mini-Cons ended up being packaged with molds taken from other series, and the larger Transformers were not remolded with Mini-Con points, resulting in packages where they Mini-Con couldn't link with his larger partner. The only Mini-Cons to appear in the Transformers: Universe storyline were Firebot, Perceptor and the Darksaber (who wasn't released in the line). Later on Ramjet's four jet Mini-Cons appeared in the Transformers: Cybertron comic.
- Ape-Linq - Sentinel Maximus's Mini-Con (spelled differently than Apelinq, the Transmetal Optimus Primal repaint).
- Dirt Boss - Armada Dirt Boss packaged with a tiny tin.
- Downshift - Armada Downshift packaged with a tiny tin.
- Firebot - Repainted Emergency Team member, packaged with Fireflight.
- Grindor - Repainted Armada Grindor Mini-Con, packaged with Sunstorm.
- Grindor - - Repackage of Energon Grindor.
- Gunbarrel - Repainted Air Military Team member, packaged with Whirl.
- High Wire - Repainted Armada High Wire Mini-Con, packages with Sunstorm.
- High Wire - Repackage of Energon High Wire.
- Inferno - Repaint of Armada Inferno, packaged with Sunstorm.
- Liftor - Repainted Armada Smokescreen's Mini-Con, packaged with Universe Smokescreen.
- Makeshift - Repainted Emergency Team member packaged with Whirl.
- Nightbeat - Repaint of Armada Nightbeat, packaged with Battle In a Box Ultra Magnus vs. Treadshot as Treadshot's partner, but the Hasbro web site says he is Ultra Magnus' partner.
- Mirage - Armada Downshift packaged with a tiny tin.
- Over-Run - Repaint of Armada Over-Run, packaged with Battle In a Box Ultra Magnus vs. Treadshot as Ultra Magnus' partner, but the Hasbro web site says he is Treadshot's partner.
- Prowl - Repainted Emergency Team member, packaged with Magna Stampede and Stockade.
- Roadhandler - Red repaint of Armada Incinerator, packages with Universe Swerve.
- Scattor - Repackaged Energon Saber team under the Universe label sold at discount stores.
- Search and Destroy - Oil Slick's Mini-Con (also known as Nightbeat, though that name is taken by Treadshot's Mini-Con).
- Skyboom - Repackaged Energon Saber team under the Universe label sold at discount stores.
- Sureshock - Repainted Armada Sureshock Mini-Con, packaged with Sunstorm.
- Sureshock - - Repackage of Energon Sureshock.
- Terradive - Repainted Air Military Team member, packaged with Magna Stampede and Stockade.
- Thunderclash - Repainted Armada Skywarp's Mini-Con, packagerd with Universe Ramjet.
- Thunderwing - Repainted Air Military Team member, packaged with Fireflight.
- Wreckage - Repackaged Energon Saber team under the Universe label sold at discount stores.
Note: A number of 6 packs of Armada Mini-Cons were released under the Transformers: Energon label at discount stores, but according to the official Hasbro web site these packs were described as Transformers: Universe toys. Therefore nearly all the Armada Mini-Con toys could be considered part of Universe in this repackage.
[edit] Unreleased Transformers: Universe Toys
A number of toys for the Transformers: Universe line were proposed, but never saw the light of day for one reason or another.
- Alpha Trion - Repaint of Beast Machines Snarl.
- Blackarachnia - Repaint of the original Tarantulas/Blackarachnia mold. Was going to be released as a Wal-Mart exclusive "Horrorcon Halloween" two-pack with Leatherhide.
- Brawn - Remold of Energon Strongarm as a homage to Generation One Brawn.
- Defensor - remold of Robots in Disguise Optimus Prime.
- Devcon - repaint of Beast Machines Mirage.
- Devcon - Repaint of Energon Slugslinger.
- Drench with Mini-Con Wind Sheer - Repaint of Armada Wheeljack as a homage to Generation Two Drench with Armada Mini-Con Wind Sheer repaint. Was going to be released as a Target exclusive two-pack with Smokescreen. [ 1 ]
- Transmetal Fractyl - Repaint of Beast Wars Transmetal Terrorsaur.
- Leatherhide - Repaint of Beast Wars Mutant Soundwave. Was going to be released as a Wal-Mart exclusive "Horrorcon Halloween" two-pack with Blackarachnia.
- Megatron - Remold of Robots in Disguise Megatron as a homage to Beast Wars Transmetal 2 Megatron.
- Menasor - Decepticon repaint of Generation one Thunderclash. Was going to be called Motormaster at one point, but that name was unavailable.
- Nightprowler - Repaint of the original Beast Wars Cheetor mold. Was going to be released as a Wal-Mart exclusive "Horrorcon Halloween" two-pack with Waspinator.
- Ramulus - Repaint of Beast Wars Ramulus in the green colors had in early issues of the Wreckers comic.
- Roadbuster - Remold of Energon Strongarm as a homage to Generation One Roadbuster.
- Smokescreen with Mini-Con Jolt - Repaint of Armada Hot Shot as a homage to Generation One Smokescreen with Armada Mini-Con Jolt repaint. Was going to be released as a Target exclusive two-pack with Drench.
- Spacewarp - Decepticon repaint of Armada Jetfire, a homage to Generation One Astrotrain. Was going to be released as a Toys "R" Us exclusive with repaints of the Armada Space Team. The concept has since been revived by Master Collector for a club exclusive figure in 2007, it will feature a new headsculpt and feature the Transformers Cybertron Giant Planet minicon team
- Waspinator - A repaint of transmetal Waspinator. Was going to be released as a Wal-Mart exclusive "Horrorcon Halloween" two-pack with Nightprowler.
[edit] Non-Universe toys which appeared in Universe
Besides the official Transformers: Universe toys, the comic book series had a great number of characters from other toy lines make appearances.
This list attempts to account for all the non-Universe characters/toys who made appearances in the two Universe comic series and the Botcon voice plays.
[edit] Generation One
- Alpha Trion
- Arcee - Appeared in a flashback to Generation One Era.
- Big Daddy - Micromaster appeared among the characters fleeing captivity from Unicron.
- Brawn - Appeared among the characters fleeing captivity from Unicron.
- Bumblebee - Appeared in the 2004 Botcon voice actor play.
- Cosmos - Appeared in the 2004 Botcon voice actor play.
- Doublecross
- Grimlock - (In his War Within form.)
- Grotusque
- Hot Rod - Now known as Rodimus.
- Hot Spot - Appeared in a flashback to Generation One Era.
- Kup
- Perceptor
- Quickmix
- Rad
- Ransack - Appeared among the characters fleeing captivity from Unicron.
- Repugnus - Although there was a Universe version of Repugnus, the Repugnus who appeared in Wreckers #4 was in his Generation One form.
- Rodimus Prime - Appeared in a flashback of Rodimus as Rodimus Prime.
- Sideswipe - Appeared in Generation One form before being reformatted into Universe form, then was returned to Generation One form.
- Skids
- Sky Garry - Appeared in a flashback to Generation One Era.
- Smokescreen
- Springer - Appeared in a flashback to Generation One Era.
- Squeezeplay - Appeared among the characters fleeing captivity from Unicron.
- Sunstreaker - Appeared in Generation One form before being reformatted into Universe form, then was returned to Generation One form.
- Sureshot - Appeared in a flashback to Generation One Era.
- Tracks - Appeared in the 2004 Botcon voice actor play.
- Trailbreaker - Appeared among the characters fleeing captivity from Unicron.
- Wheelie - Appeared in a flashback to Generation One Era and among the characters fleeing captivity from Unicron.
[edit] Transformers: Armada
- Megatron
- Red Alert
- Smokescreen - A recolor of Armada Smokescreen was released in the toy line, but in the Universe comics Armada Smokescreen appeared in his original colors.
- Star Saber - Appeared in the 2003 Botcon voice actor play being wielded by Megatron.
- Unicron
[edit] Beast Wars
- (Transmetal) Airazor - Appeared in the Primeval Dawn storyline.
- Airhammer - Appeared as a member of the Maximal High Council.
- Bantor - Appeared as a member of the Maximal High Council.
- Fractyl
- (Transmetal 2) Iguanus - Appeared in the Primeval Dawn storyline.
- Magnaboss - Appeared as a member of the Maximal High Council.
- Packrat - Blue Transmetal Rattrap toy appeared as Transmetal Packrat.
- Ramulus - Appeared in the Primeval Dawn storyline.
- Razorclaw - Appeared in the Primeval Dawn storyline.
- Rhinox
- Rockbuster - Appeared among the crowd on Cybertron in Transformers: Universe #1.
- Sonar
- (Transmetal 2) Spittor - Appeared in the Primeval Dawn storyline.
- (Transmetal - Fox Kids Repaint) Tarantulas - Appeared in the Primeval Dawn storyline.
- Terrorsaur - Appeared among the characters fleeing the captivity of Unicron.
- Torca - Appeared as a member of the Maximal High Council.
- Tripredacus Agent - Appeared in the Primeval Dawn storyline.
[edit] Beast Machines
- Ape-Linq
- Battle Unicorn - Appeared as a member of the Maximal High Council.
- Blackarachnia - Appeared in Beast Machines form before being reformatted into Universe form.
- Blastcharge - Although a repaint of Blastcharge was released in the Universe line, the Blastcharge who appeared in the Wreckers comic #1 was in his original colors.
- Buzzsaw - Appeared among the crowd on Cybertron.
- Cat-Scan - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- Cheetor - Appeared in Beast Machines form throughout the Universe comic.
- Chro - Name given to blue version of Deployer Rav.
- Dillo - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- Magmatron - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- Mol - Appeared in Wreckers comics
- Nightscream - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- Optimus Primal - Appeared in Wreckers comics and in flashback to his death.
- Primal Prime - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- Quickstrike - Appeared among the crowd on Cybertron.
- Rattrap - Appeared in Beast Machines form throughout the Universe comic.
- Rav - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- Scavenger - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- Silverbolt - Appeared in Beast Machines form before being reformatted into Universe form.
- Spy Streak - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- T-Wrecks - Appeared in Wreckers comics.
- Thrust - Appeared among the captives of Unicron.
[edit] Transformers: Robots in Disguise
- Cryotek
- Dreadwing - Appeared in a Collectors Club bio page as a Universe character.
- Jhiaxus - Appeared in a Collectors Club bio page as the G1 character.
- Megabolt - Appeared in a Collectors Club bio page as a Universe character.
- Landfill - Walmart Exclusive yellow recolor, appeared in the 2004 voice actor play.
- Smokejumper - Appeared in a Collectors Club bio page as a Universe character.