Talk:Upton Sinclair
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Why is there nothing about Sinclair's financial life? Did he live in poverty? Was he born to comfort (if not wealth)? Did he make a bundle off his "socialist" writings? Considering that "The Jungle" is widely held by serious scholars to be "accurate" but grossly exaggerated, the question becomes significant IMHO. 17:53, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
[edit] Racism
blatant pov, sinclair was no racist. jungle's narration is simply meant to convey the mindset of typical american wage worker. union organizers have complained about racism as the most formidable barrier to uniting workers since the police stopped killing them. sinclair was a crazy californian socialist into justice, liberties, and telepethy. not some primitive "new england" intellect. was huckle-nigger-berry twain a racist also!?? section goes. someone has an agenda. every article is a battlefield in this person's silly war.
- Agree. Too much passive voice, speculation and argumentation; this is an encyclopedia, not a platform for posthumously levelling possibly libellous accusations at dead authors. User:Jaganath 23:48, 03 September 2006 (UTC)
- Disagree. Clearly we cannot know what was in Sinclair’s heart when he wrote Chapter 26 of The Jungle. Hence it is wrong to say that it proves he was a racist. It is, however, equally wrong dismiss the text (which is undeniably racist in and of itself) as merely the reflection the working class whites of the era. If you read Chapter 26 I think you will agree that it is really vile stuff and that there is nothing comparable to it in Huckleberry Finn. Furthermore, the racist language is spoken by the narrator who throughout the rest of the book is expressing the author’s own beliefs. Why in this one instance would we decide the narrator is not speaking for the author?
- Wouldn’t it be reasonable to say the following: "Chapter 26 of The Jungle contains racist language so extreme that it cannot be quoted in Wikipedia, and this language is spoken by the narrator who throughout the rest of the book seems to be expressing the sentiment of Sinclair."
- As it stands, the part of the article dealing with racism looks like a pissing match between those who wish to paint Sinclair as a racist on the one hand and his apologists on the other. It looks horrible. It's far, far too long. I plan to change it to something far more simple, as befits its significance, along the lines of, "[XXXX his critics] (with specific references) have criticized Sinclair for racist language in his books. [XXXX his defenders] (with specific references) reply that the language was a product of the times and/or a literary device." If anyone would like to discuss this before I make the change, please comment here. Jessesamuel 15:21, 20 September 2006 (UTC)
Chapter 26 of The Jungle can be found here…
There are no doubt many “vile” remarks directed at various ethnic groups in The Jungle. They are not only directed against “stupid negroes”, but also Slovakians, Greeks, Sicilians, and Romanians, who are each said to be “the lowest foreigners.” However, one thing is curious: outside of Chapter 26 there is no instance of derogative ethnic commentary. Instead, Sinclair didn’t fly the flag of ethnic prejudice until the second section of this chapter, which is where all the unfortunate remarks are to be found.
An ongoing theme throughout the novel is the manner in which ethnic majorities are systematically replaced at the stockyards by successive waves of lower-status groups. Early in the novel (Chapter 6), it is said the stockyards were originally manned by Germans who were “skilled cattle butchers that the packers had brought from abroad to start the business”. However, according to the narration it wasn’t long before they were replaced by the Irish, who were replaced by Bohemians, who were replaced by Poles, who were replaced by Lithuanians, who were replaced by Slovaks. “Who there was poorer and more miserable than the Slovaks, Grandmother Majauszkiene had no idea, but the packers would find them, never fear.”
Chapter 26 is a special chapter in The Jungle; it is the height of despair. The union has been broken and the factory is overrun with scabs. Jurgin, the working class Lithuanian protagonist, observes helplessly. What ethnic groups are the scabs composed of? You guessed it: “the lowest foreigners”, but also the “stupid negroes” and “an assortment of the criminals and thugs of the city.” The complete scenario is rendered in the second section of the chapter. The ending paragraph of this section begins with “Such were the stockyards during the strike; while the unions watched in sullen despair.” The closing sentence of the same paragraph begins with, “He was drinking, and developing a villainous temper, and he stormed and cursed and raged at his men.”
From here we can only draw two conclusions:
A: Sinclair is a realist author sketching the protagonist’s point of view and sense of socio-ethnic heirarchy.
B: Sinclair, who was not even familiar with Lithuanian culture until writing the book, is illustrating his own prejudice toward anyone ‘lower than a Lithuanian.’
Duh, clearly it is the latter!
Any statements to The Jungle’s supposed racism are permanently removed from the article. However, this does not mean Sinclair is not racist scum. It simply means editors must look elsewhere for evidence of Sinclair’s ignorance.
[edit] The Jungle
My source for the publish date is
The publish date seems a bit hard to pin down; it was serialized before it became a volume. However, given the usual slowness of Congressional action, I doubt the Meat Packing Act would have been passed the same year.
[edit] Works
I believe he published much more than what is shown here, does anyone know of a complete list that could be incorporated? Dwxyzq 15:41, 24 January 2006 (UTC)
Sinclair was an extremely prolific author, who continued to write until the end of the 1950s ; however, most of his work is not considered to be of serious literary merit, much of it being political propaganda for various causes that interested him. "The Jungle" and "Oil" are considered to be his greatest works and are still read widely as classics of American literature ; his other work, except for a few short stories, seems to have been forgotten by both critics and the public.
I was surprised that the Wikipedia list does not include:
100% A Story of a Patriot
I don't know the title The Spy --- it might be the same book. It is on Project Gutenberg.
Project Gutenberg Presents 100%: The Story of a Patriot by Upton Sinclair Project Gutenberg Release #5776 (May 2004)
[edit] Upton Sinclair in popular culture
In the alternative history of Harry Turtledove's Americian Empire trilogy Upton Sinclair becomes the first socialist president of the United States, beating the democratic candidate Theodore Roosewelt in the 1920 presidential-campaign. This happens in the first book: Blood And Iron.
Upton Sinclair features as the main character in the Chris Bachelder novel, US!
[edit] Photo Caption
The caption reads "Author Upton Sinclair." At first glance that all seems like his full name. I'm going to drop the word 'author.'
[edit] Changing the Caption
I am changing the caption. The current one says "I never met a Socialist, or a Socialist cause, that I didn't like." This seems like it was chosen by someone who is either for or against socialism, and simply wanted to associate Sinclair with it for the editor's own agenda. Besides, it is not even a quote he is known for. I think the quote which best sums up Sinclair's career is "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." This is also a more artful quote than the current one, which sounds like an uninspired spin from Will Rogers. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 09:20, 6 December 2006 (UTC). ur mom
[edit] Recent Vandalism to Page
Some small but incredibly wrong changes have been made including death in 200, change in book count and his occupations including blacksmith. I do not know how to fix this vandalism but someone needs to do this.