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I was pleasantly surprised to find the the Vermonter route had its own Wikipedia entry! However, doesn't the Vermonter go all the way to Washington, D.C.? Is this part of the Stations table somewhere, but I just didn't see it, or is this page in need of updating?
At the top of the station listing, it says "For stations between New Haven and Washington, see Northeast Corridor." --SPUI (talk) 19:55, 17 Jun 2005 (UTC)
Vermonter does go all the way to DC.
Also, the Montrealer was not canceled due to declining ridership, which was one excuse, but a basic business decision to abandon rail service on the line north of Springfield, MA for logistical reasons (the Montrealer tied up three long distance equipment sets - two on the railroad, and one in perperation) and other proposed "cost savings" ideas that were never clearly eastablished. The abandonment decision met with opposition/concern from the state of Vermont. An eventual agreement, with Vermont subsidies, was worked out for Amtrak to continue operation of the route, with a bus connection through to Moneteral from St. Albans, Vermont. Status of bus connection to Monteral is presently unknown.
I don't even know how to begin to correct the errors on the Montrealer on your pages. Pre-Amtrak, it was a north bound train from Washington, DC to Montreal, PQ, with the Washingtonian running the south bound leg. The train was a Canadian National, Centreal Vermont, Boston & Maine, New Haven, and Pennsylvania Railroads, joint operation, over whose tracks they ran. When Amtrak took over, they dropped the Washingtonian name and called both legs just the Montrealer, for reasons that are obscure.
[edit] Vermonter
Vermonter: a resident of the state of Vermont.