Image talk:Viewfromtitan.jpg
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[edit] Bit of constructive crtiticism
The images is visually pleasing, but there are several scientific errors that should be stated here on the talk page. Saturn isn't visible from the surface of Titan, except in some thin infrared wavelengths. And even then, the rings would be much harder to spot, as Titan's orbit isn't inclined enough to resolve anything more then a line bisecting Saturn in two. The scene is also much too bright. Look at the photos from Huygens. It landed around noon, and it's very dark for midday isn't it? The sun in your image is much lower in the sky, so if anything, it should be almost Pitch Black. Finally, those mountains are very steep. Most of Titan's surface seen so far is quite flat. I don't expect you to change your image to reflect this, I just want to inform the average user who visits this page that if they really went to Titan, they wouldn't see anything like this. Again, I just want to say, the image is real nice looking, and you must have worked hard on this surreal scene, and I commend you, just that it's not reality. (This is the sort of thing I do, replacing bad science (but good art) with good science (but boring reality). :) --Planetary 08:15, 25 July 2006 (UTC)