Vincenzo Ciaglia
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Vincenzo Ciaglia (1986-08-26 Eboli (SA) – ) Italian system programmer.
Vincenzo is the creator of Netwosix Linux, a highly-secure Linux distribution, and a long-time student of open source networking and security technologies.
Netwosix has been downloaded by more than 60,000 users around the world.
Vincenzo has written widely on networking and open source topics for Italian computer magazines and is a regular columnist at Linux-Magazine Italia. He is the author of "Networking@LowLevel", an exploration of networking protocols and licensed under the GPLs. Vincenzo is currently a student of computer science at the University of Salerno in Italy.
Deciding to leave Guardian Digital where he worked for EnGarde Secure Linux he's now working on the new version of Linux Netwosix: netwosix-ng which includes the SELinux Multi-layered security and security-by-default packages.