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VTB (former Vneshtorgbank) is one of the leading universal banks of Russia and the largest in terms of authorized capital.
As of December 31, 2005 according to IFRS (consolidated), its shareholders equity totaled $5.3 billion.
Bank assets as of December 31, 2005 amounted to $36.7 billion.
The bank holds a 5% stake in the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company, which it purchased for $1 billion in 2006.
[edit] Management
As of December 2006, the Supervisory Council of VTB consists of Alexei Kudrin (Chairman, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation), Dmitry Aratsky (Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Management of Federal Property), Arkady Dvorkovich (Head of Experts' Directorate attached to the President of the Russian Federation), Anton Drozdov (Head of Economy and Finance Department of the Government of the Russian Federation), Andrey Kostin (CEO of VTB), Alexey Savatyugin (Head of Financial Policy Depatment of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation), Sergey Storchak (Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation), Alexei Ulyukaev (First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation) and Andrey Sharonov (Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation). [1]
As of December 2006, its Management Committee consists of Andrey Kostin (Chairman since June 10, 2002), Vadim Levin (First Deputy Chairman), Alexei Akinshin (Deputy Chairman), Igor Zavyalov (Deputy Chairman), Gennady Soldatenkov (Deputy Chairman), Vasily Kirpichyov (Senior Vice President), Konstantin Kozhevnikov (Senior Vice President), Erkin Norov (Senior Vice President), Vasily Titov (Senior Vice President), Yulia Chupina (Senior Vice President). [2]
[edit] Privatization
Until January 2007, the Russian government helds 99.9% stake in VTB. Thereupon, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, its CEO announced that the government would retain a 50% + 1 share and privatize the rest of company shares.
[edit] External links
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