Ward Churchill
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Ward LeRoy Churchill (born October 2, 1947) is an American writer, Vietnam veteran, political activist, and academic. He is a full professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado at Boulder, author of over twenty books and over 150 published essays. He has "decided to publish largely in alternative presses or journals, not in the university presses or mainstream peer-reviewed journals often favored by more conventional academics." [1] In addition to his academic writing, Churchill has written for several general readership magazines of political opinion. His work is primarily about the U.S. and its historical treatment of political dissenters and of American Indian peoples.
Churchill was widely discussed and criticized in the mass media in 2005, for a 2001 essay in which he questioned the innocence of many of the people killed in the World Trade Center attacks, labeling them as "technocrats" and "little Eichmanns."[1] The University of Colorado stated support for Churchill's right to engage in controversial political speech. Interim Chancellor Phil DiStefano stated, ""While Professor Churchill has the constitutional right to express his political views, his essay on 9/11 has outraged and appalled us and the general public."[2]
Following an investigation of Churchill's past research, the University's Standing Committee on Research Misconduct recommended Churchill be sanctioned for repeated acts of "serious research misconduct." On June 26, 2006, CU Interim Chancellor Phil DiStefano issued a notice of intent to dismiss Churchill from his faculty position at the University of Colorado Boulder.[3] Churchill has been "relieved of his duties by interim chancellor Phil DiStefano, but he will stay on the CU payroll until the termination is final."[4] Some observers infer that the current investigation is in retaliation for Churchill's controversial statements about the World Trade Center attacks because it began in the midst of national media coverage of his statements.[5][6] Other observers note that Churchill was accused of “misrepresentations” and “fabrications” in scholarly journals years before he wrote his 9/11 essay [7] [8]. University of Colorado officials pointed out that while accusations against Churchill had been published as early as the 1990s, no one ever filed a complaint of research misconduct with the university until 2005. The University has upheld Churchill's right to academic freedom of speech, and pointed out that they were compelled to address the new charges of research misconduct that came to light during the controversy over Churchill's remarks about the 9/11 victims. Churchill has filed an appeal against his proposed dismissal.
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[edit] Background
[edit] Early life and education
Churchill was born in Elmwood, Illinois. Churchill attended Elmwood High School.[9]
[edit] Vietnam
In 1966, Churchill was drafted into the United States Army. On his 1980 resume, Churchill said he served as a public-information specialist who "wrote and edited the battalion newsletter and wrote news releases."[10] In a 1987 article on Churchill, the Denver Post printed Churchill's claims that he went to paratrooper school, then volunteered for Vietnam and served a 10-month tour as "a LURP" [sic], one of a six-man team sent out on Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol to track down North Vietnamese.[11]. Military records obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show that Churchill was trained as a projectionist and light truck driver, and give no indication that he went to paratrooper school or trained for LRRP.[12]
Churchill told the Denver Post that he had worked with the Students for a Democratic Society and Weather Underground in the late 1960's. According to the Denver Post article, Churchill said that he had been politically radicalized as a result of his experiences in Vietnam, Churchill claimed that he taught members of the Weather Underground how to make bombs and fire weapons.[13] However, Weather Underground leaders Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers do not recall Churchill ever participating in that movement, nor do FBI files indicate Churchill's presence on the scene.[14]
Following his military service, Churchill received his B.A. and M.A. in Communication from Sangamon State University, now the University of Illinois at Springfield. Churchill began working as an affirmative action officer at the University of Colorado at Boulder in the late 1970s. In 1990, he was hired as an assistant professor and was granted tenure the following year. There are allegations that his hiring as an assistant professor and his tenure grant went against normal University of Colorado procedure because normally these positions require an academic doctorate, which Churchill does not possess.[15] He was presented with an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Alfred University after giving a lecture there about American Indian history in 1992.[16] He resigned as chairman of the Ethnic Studies department at the University of Colorado in January 2005 (his term as chair was scheduled to expire in June of that year[2]), but remains as a tenured professor. On May 16, 2006, the Investigative Committee of the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct at the University of Colorado concluded that Churchill had committed multiple counts of academic misconduct, specifically plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification.[17][18]
[edit] Writing
As a scholar, Churchill has written on American Indian history and culture, and is particularly outspoken about what he describes as the genocide inflicted on the indigenous people of North America by European settlers and the repression of native peoples that he claims continues to this day.

In Agents of Repression (1988), co-authored by Jim Vander Wall, the authors describe what they claim is "the secret war" against the Black Panther Party and American Indian Movement carried out during the late 1960s and '70s by the FBI under the COINTELPRO program. The COINTELPRO Papers (1990; reissued 2002), also co-authored with Jim Vander Wall, examines a series of original FBI memos that detail the Bureau's activities against various leftist groups, from the U.S. Communist Party in the 1950s to activists concerned with Central American issues in the 1980s.
In Fantasies of the Master Race (1992), Churchill examines the portrayal of American Indians and the use of American Indian symbols in popular American culture. He focuses on such phenomena as Tony Hillerman's mystery novels, the film Dances with Wolves, and the New Age movement, finding examples of cultural imperialism and exploitation. Churchill calls author Carlos Castaneda's claims of revealing the teachings of a Yaqui Indian shaman, the "greatest hoax since Piltdown Man."
Struggle for the Land (1993; reissued 2002) is a collection of essays in which Churchill chronicles the U.S. government's systematic exploitation of Native lands and the killing or displacement of American Indians. He details Native American efforts in the 19th and 20th centuries to prevent defoliation and industrial practices such as surface mining.
Churchill's Indians Are Us? (1994), a sequel to Fantasies of the Master Race, further explores American Indian issues in popular culture and politics. He examines the movie Black Robe, the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation killings, the prosecution of Leonard Peltier, sports mascots, the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, and blood quantum laws, calling them tools of genocide. Churchill is particularly outspoken about New Age exploitations of shamanism and American Indian sacred traditions, and the "do-it-yourself Indianism" of certain contemporary authors. Full professor John P. LaVelle of the University of New Mexico School of Law published a review of Indians Are Us? in The American Indian Quarterly. Professor LaVelle, who is an enrolled member of the Santee Sioux Nation, states that Indians Are Us? twists historical facts and is hostile toward Indian tribes [19].
From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism, 1985-1995 (1996) is a collection of 23 previously published essays on Native American history, culture, and political activism.
Churchill's A Little Matter of Genocide (1997) is a survey of ethnic cleansing from 1492 to the present. He compares the treatment of North American Indians to historical instances of genocide in Cambodia, Armenia, toward the Gypsies by a majority of European peoples, as well as the Poles and Jews by the Nazis.
In Perversions of Justice (2002), Churchill argues that the U.S.'s legal system was adapted to gain control over Native American people. Tracing the evolution of federal Indian law, Churchill argues that the principles set forth were not only applied to non-Indians in the U.S., but later adapted for application abroad. He concludes that this demonstrates the development of the U.S.'s "imperial logic," which depends on a "corrupt form of legalism" to establish colonial control and empire.
On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections on the Consequences of U.S. Imperial Arrogance and criminality (2003) takes the "roosting chickens" of the title from a 1963 Malcolm X speech wherein Malcolm X linked the assassination of the U.S. president John F. Kennedy to the violence that Kennedy perpetuated as "merely a case of 'chickens coming home to roost.'" Churchill's essays address the worldwide forms of resistance that he posits were and continue to be provoked by U.S. imperialism of the 20th and 21st centuries.
In Kill the Indian, Save the Man: The Genocidal Impact of American Indian Residential Schools (2004), Churchill traces the history of removing American Indian children from their homes to residential schools (in Canada) or Indian boarding schools (in the USA) as part of government policies (1880s-1980s) which he regards as genocidal.
[edit] Activism
Churchill has been active since at least 1984 as the co-director of the Denver-based American Indian Movement of Colorado, an autonomous chapter of the American Indian Movement. In 1993, he and other local AIM leaders, including Russell Means, Glen Morris, Bob Robideau, and David Hill, broke with the national AIM leadership, including Dennis Banks and Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt, claiming that all AIM chapters are autonomous. The schism continues, with the national AIM leadership claiming that the local AIM leaders, such as Churchill, are tools of the government which uses them against other American Indians. The leaders of the national AIM organization claim that Churchill has worked in the past as an underground counter-intelligence source for the U.S. government, for example the FBI, and local, non-Indian, police forces, to subvert the national AIM organization. They cite several examples but specifically a 1993 Boulder interview with Jodi Rave, a former columnist for the Denver Post, where Churchill stated that he "was teaching the Rapid City Police Department about the American Indian Movement."[20]
Churchill has been a leader of Colorado AIM's annual protests in Denver against the Columbus Day holiday and its associated parade. These protests have brought Colorado AIM's leadership into conflict with some leaders in the Denver Italian American community, the main supporters of the parade. Churchill and others have been arrested while protesting for acts such as blocking the parade.[21][22]
In April 1983, Churchill traveled to Tripoli and Benghazi as a representative of AIM and the International Indian Treaty Council to meet Colonel Muammar al-Qaddafi of Libya while a U.S. travel ban to that country was in place. The visit was intended to seek support from al-Qaddafi regarding claims of the U.S. government's violation of AIM treaties.
[edit] Ethnic Background
Both of his birth parents are listed as white on the 1930 census, as are all of his other known ancestors on previous censuses and other official documents. [23]
Churchill claims ancestry of three different tribes, Creek[24][25], Cherokee[26], and Metis[27][28] and states that he is an enrolled[29] member of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. The Rocky Mountain News investigated and found "no evidence of a single Indian ancestor" [of Churchill].[30] The Denver Post's genealogical investigation resulted in the same conclusion. Ernestine Berry, who was on the tribe's enrollment committee (Keetoowah) and served on the tribal council for four years, told the The Denver Post: "He (Churchill) was trying to get recognized as an Indian. He could not prove he was an Indian (Cherokee) at all." [31] Moreover, the United Keetoowah Band responded to Churchill's claim by clarifying that he was not an enrolled member, but an honorary associate member (just as former President Bill Clinton was) for few months in 1994. According to tribal chief George Wickliffe, Churchill's claims to Keetowah membership "are deemed fraudulent by the United Keetoowah Band," and that Churchill "could not prove any Cherokee ancestry." [32] The tribal statement said that Churchill's membership claim in the Keetowah tribe after receiving an Associate Membership "is akin to receiving an honorary doctorate, and then claiming to have received eight years worth of university education." [33]
[edit] 9/11 essay controversy
Churchill wrote an essay in September 2001 entitled "Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens" about the September 11, 2001 attacks, in which he argued that U.S. foreign policies provoked the attacks. In 2005, this essay was widely publicized. Churchill's argument — which questioned the innocence of some of the 9/11 victims, and compared their role in what he describes as ongoing genocidal American imperialism the role played by Adolf Eichmann in organizing the Holocaust; led to both condemnations of Churchill and counter-accusations of McCarthyism from Churchill and his supporters.
[edit] Misconduct Issues
There have been disputes over Churchill's claim of American Indian heritage, and there have been findings of academic fraud and plagiarism. University of Colorado at Boulder administrators ordered an investigation into the allegations of research misconduct, which lead to findings of falsification, fabrication, plagiarizing, improper reporting of results, and failing to follow standard rules that apply to author names on publications, among other findings.
On May 16, 2006 the University released its investigative committee findings. The Investigative Committee, a subcommittee of the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct, agreed unanimously that Churchill had engaged in "serious research misconduct," including four counts of falsifying information, two counts of fabricating information, two counts of plagiarizing the works of others, improperly reporting the results of studies, and failing to “comply with established standards regarding author names on publications.” In addition, the committee found him "disrespectful of Indian oral traditions."
The Standing Committee on Research Misconduct, after examining the findings of the Investigative Committee, disagreed on what sanctions should be imposed on Churchill. Six members voted for dismissal. Two members voted for a five year suspension without pay, and one voted for a two year suspension without pay. Churchill's actual punishment will be determined by the University Chancellor[citation needed].
Churchill has contested the finding of misconduct.[34] The university is reviewing additional charges beyond the initial seven, to determine if they warrant convening a second investigative subcommittee.[35]
In its report, the investigative sub-committee "expresses its concern regarding the timing and perhaps the motives for the University's decision to forward charges made in that context." The Standing Committee's final report, however, states that they could not ignore the charges against Churchill given the seriousness of their nature.
[edit] Artwork
- See also: Allegations of copyright infringement
Art works by Churchill, such as lithographs, woodcuts, and drawings have been exhibited in galleries of the American Southwest, and elsewhere. Churchill takes as subject matter American Indian figures and other themes associated with Native American Culture. Churchill uses historical photographs as source material for works.[36]
There have been allegations that a few of Churchill’s pieces infringe on other's copyrights. For example, it has been claimed that Churchill's painting "Winter Attack"[3], which is based on a work by Thomas E. Mails, violated copyright law.[37]
The online journal Artnet mentions Churchill's artwork, and the controversy surrounding its originality.[36]
[edit] References
- ^ A revised and expanded version of the essay Some People Push Back appears in Churchill, Ward (2003). On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections on the Consequences of U.S. Imperial Arrogance and Criminality. AK Press. ISBN 978-1-902593-79-1.
- ^ University of Colorado--Boulder Press Release, Ward Churchill Resigns Administrative Post, January 31, 2005
- ^ Denver TV channel report on the recommendation to dismiss Churchill
- ^ Brown, Jennifer. Denver Post, CU plans to fire Churchill, August 14, 2006
- ^ Littwin, Mike (May 18 2006). "Witch hunt apparently pays off at CU". Rocky Mountain News: 7A. Retrieved on January 25, 2007.
- ^ Tom Mayer. The Report On Ward Churchill. Swans Commentatary (June 19, 2006). Retrieved on July 13, 2006.
- ^ http://lawschool.unm.edu/faculty/lavelle/american-indian-quarterly.pdf
- ^ http://lawschool.unm.edu/faculty/lavelle/allotment-act.pdf
- ^ Soylent Communications. Ward Churchill. NNDB: tracking the entire world. Retrieved on April 7, 2006.
- ^ Questions stoke Ward Churchill's firebrand past, Denver Post, 02/13/2005.
- ^ Denver Post, January 18, 1987. (photostat of Denver Post article)
- ^ Radio host Bob Newman published these military records to dispute the Denver Post 1987 claim that he had trained as a paratrooper and in reconnaissance. ("Ward Churchill's Military Claims Proven False", Mens News Daily (Guerneville, CA: Java King, February 11, 2005); Retrieved August 11, 2005).
- ^ Denver Post, January 18, 1987
- ^ Weather Underground members do not recall Ward Churchill
- ^ Ken Masugi, A Colleague of Alger Hiss? How Ward Churchill Got Tenure, Claremont Institute, February 16, 2005.
- ^ Ken Masugi, A Colleague of Alger Hiss? How Ward Churchill Got Tenure, Claremont Institute, February 16, 2005.
- ^ Link to University of Colorado report
- ^ Download of University of Colorado report
- ^ http://lawschool.unm.edu/faculty/lavelle/american-indian-quarterly.pdf
- ^ Bellecourt, Vernon. United States Government War Against the American Indian Movement, AIM Council on Security and Intelligence, November 3, 1999
- ^ "Columbus parade could see less strife: Churchill, conflict having an effect" By Charlie Brennan, Rocky Mountain News, September 24, 2005
- ^ Chronology of Events Concerning (Transform) Columbus Day. Transform Columbus Day Alliance. Retrieved on March 28, 2006.
- ^ http://www.rockymountainnews.com/drmn/local/article/0,1299,DRMN_15_3841949,00.html
- ^ University of Colorado Ethnic Studies page.
- ^ (Ward Churchill (2002). "An American Holocaust? The Structure of Denial". Socialism and Democracy 19 (3). )
- ^ Ward Churchill (2002). "An American Holocaust? The Structure of Denial". Socialism and Democracy 19 (3).
- ^ Churchill files suit to stop dismissal from CU. Indianz.com (2006-11-01).
- ^ North Carolina State Univ., Office of University Relations, posting of Ward Churchill speech. March 28, 2004
- ^ University of Colorado Ethnic Studies page.
- ^ Rocky Mountain News
- ^ (Howard Pankratz (2005-02-03). CU prof affirms Indian heritage. Denver Post.)
- ^ ( (May 17, 2005.) "Tribe snubs prof: Cherokee band says Churchill's claim of membership a fraud". Rocky Mountain News. )
- ^ (May 2005.). Keetowah tribe press release. Press release.)
- ^ Ward Churchill. A Travesty of an "Investigation". Counterpunch. Retrieved on May 16, 2006.
- ^ Sara Burnett. CU reviewing new charges leveled against Churchill. Rocky Mountain News (May 11, 2006). Retrieved on May 20, 2006.
- ^ a b http://www.artnet.com/Magazine/news/artnetnews2/artnetnews3-15-05.asp Artnet describing Ward Churchill's artwork
- ^ http://cbs4denver.com/topstories/local_story_055200531.html, http://www.artnet.com/magazine/news/artnetnews2/artnetnews3-15-05.asp
[edit] Works
[edit] Books
- Churchill, Ward (1984). Marxism and Native Americans. Boulder CO: South End Press. ISBN 978-0-89608-177-2 (hardcover: ISBN 978-0-89608-178-9).
- Churchill, Ward (1984). Culture versus Economism: Essays on Marxism in the Multicultural Arena. Indigena Press. ).
- Churchill, Ward; Jim Vander Wall (1988). Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement. Boulder CO: South End Press. ISBN 978-0-89608-293-9 (hardcover: ISBN 978-0-89608-294-6).
- Churchill, Ward; Jim Vander Wall (1990). The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret War Against Domestic Dissent. Boulder CO: South End Press. ISBN 978-0-89608-359-2.
- Churchill, Ward (1992). Fantasies of the Master Race: Literature, Cinema, and the Colonization of American Indians. Common Courage Press. ISBN 978-0-87286-348-4.
- (1992) in Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall: Cages of Steel: The Politics of Imprisonment in America, Activism, Politics, Culture, Theory, Vol. 4, Maisonneuve Press. ISBN 978-0-944624-17-3. Re-released as (2004) in Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall: Politics of Imprisonment in the United States. AK Press. ISBN 978-1-904859-12-3.
- Churchill, Ward (1993). Struggle for the Land: Indigenous Resistance to Genocide, Ecocide and Expropriation in Contemporary North America. Common Courage Press. ISBN 978-1-56751-000-3 (hardcover: ISBN 978-1-56751-001-0). Released in a revised and expanded edition as Churchill, Ward (2002). Struggle for the Land: Native North American Resistance to Genocide, Ecocide and Colonization. San Francisco CA: City Lights Publishers. ISBN 978-0-87286-414-6 (hardcover: ISBN 978-0-87286-415-3). (One essay in this book has been accused of containing a plagiarized paragraph).
- Churchill, Ward (1994). Indians Are Us?: Culture and Genocide in Native North America. Common Courage Press. ISBN 978-1-56751-020-1 (hardcover: ISBN 978-1-56751-021-8).
- Churchill, Ward (1995). Since Predator Came: Notes from the Struggle for American Indian Liberation. Aigis Press. ISBN 978-1-883930-03-5.
- Churchill, Ward (1996). From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism 1985-1995. Boulder CO: South End Press. ISBN 978-0-89608-553-4.
- Churchill, Ward (1997). Islands in Captivity: The International Tribunal on the Rights of Indigenous Hawaiians. Boulder CO: South End Press. ISBN 978-0-89608-567-1 (hardcover: ISBN 978-0-89608-568-8). Re-released as Churchill, Ward; Sharon Venne (co-editor) (2005). Islands in Captivity: The International Tribunal on the Rights of Indigenous Hawaiians. Boulder CO: South End Press. ISBN 978-0-89608-738-5).
- Churchill, Ward; Mike Ryan (introduction by Ed Mead) (1998). Pacifism as Pathology: Reflections on the Role of Armed Struggle in North America. Arbeiter Ring. ISBN 978-1-894037-07-5.
- Churchill, Ward (1998). A Little Matter Of Genocide: Holocaust And Denial In The Americas 1492 To The Present. San Francisco CA: City Lights Books. ISBN 978-0-87286-323-1 (hardcover: ISBN 978-0-87286-343-9).
- Churchill, Ward (2000). Draconian Measures: The History of FBI Political Repression. Common Courage Press. ISBN 978-1-56751-058-4 (hardcover: ISBN 978-1-56751-059-1).
- Churchill, Ward (2002). Acts Of Rebellion: The Ward Churchill Reader. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-93156-4 (library binding: ISBN 978-0-415-93155-7).
- Churchill, Ward (2002). Perversions of Justice: Indigenous Peoples and Angloamerican Law. San Francisco CA: City Lights Books. ISBN 978-0-87286-411-5 (hardcover: ISBN 978-0-87286-416-0).
- Churchill, Ward (2003). On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections on the Consequences of U.S. Imperial Arrogance and Criminality. AK Press. ISBN 978-1-902593-79-1.
- Churchill, Ward (2004). Kill the Indian, Save the Man: The Genocidal Impact of American Indian Residential Schools. San Francisco CA: City Lights Publishers. ISBN 978-0-87286-434-4.
- Churchill, Ward (2004). Speaking Truth in the Teeth of Power: Lectures on Globalization, Colonialism, and Native North America. AK Press. ISBN 978-1-904859-04-8.
- Churchill, Ward (2005). To Disrupt, Discredit And Destroy: The FBI's Secret War Against The Black Panther Party. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-92958-5 (hardcover: ISBN 978-0-415-92957-8).
- Churchill, Ward; Natsu Saito (co-editor) (2006 (forthcoming)). Confronting The Crime Of Silence: Evidence Of U.S. War Crimes In Indochina. AK Press. ISBN 978-1-904859-21-5.
[edit] Articles
- Churchill, Ward (November 1998). "Smoke Signals: A History of Native Americans in Cinema". LiP Magazine.
- Churchill, Ward (Spring 2004). "From the Pinkertons to the PATRIOT Act: The Trajectory of Political Policing in the United States, 1870 to the Present". The New Centennial Review 4 (1): 1-72.
- Churchill, Ward (Spring 2005). "The Ghosts of 9-1-1: Reflections on History, Justice and Roosting Chickens".
[edit] Audio and video
- Doing Time: The Politics of Imprisonment, audio CD of a lecture, recorded at the Doing Time Conference at the University of Winnipeg, September 2000 (AK Press, 2001, ISBN 978-1-902593-47-0)
- Life In Occupied America (AK Press, 2003, ISBN 978-1-902593-72-2)
- In A Pig's Eye: Reflections on the Police State, Repression, and Native America (AK Press, 2002, ISBN 978-1-902593-50-0)
- US Off The Planet!: An Evening In Eugene With Ward Churchill And Chellis Glendinning, VHS video recorded July 17, 2001 (Cascadia Media Collective, 2002)
- Pacifism and Pathology in the American Left, 2003 audio CD recorded at a AK Press warehouse in Oakland (AK Press Audio)
- Z Mag Ward Churchill Audio
- Ward Churchill talking at the University of Colorado, 2/9/2005, search the C-Span website
- Churchill Speaks About Academic Freedom - Free Speech Radio News February 09, 2005 *Ward Churchill Under Fire - Free Speech Radio News, February 03, 2005.
- The Justice of Roosting Chickens: Ward Churchill Speaks The Pacifica Network Show, Democracy Now! from February 18, 2005 features extended Audio/Video exclusive interview with Churchill.
- Ward Churchill in Hawaii, responding to ancestry questions.
- Debate between David Horowitz and Ward Churchill at George Washington University on April 6th, 2006. MP3 Podcast
- Ward Churchill on Real Time with Bill Maher.
- A Little Matter of Genocide: Linking U.S. Aggression Abroad to the Domestic Repression of Indigenous Peoples", recorded in North Battleford, Saskatchewan on March 19, 2005
- David Horowitz vs. Ward Churchill. www.insidehighered.com. Retrieved on July 2, 2006.
- Full two hour audio. rightalk.listenz.com. Retrieved on July 2, 2006.
- David Horowitz vs. Ward Churchill - Round 1. Young Americans Foundation. Retrieved on July 2, 2006. Video and audio (excerpt)
- Ward Churchill speaking at the Mid-Atlantic Radical Book Fair, July 9, 2006
[edit] External links
- Ward Churchill's Faculty page at University of Colorado
- Ward Churchill ZNet Homepage
- Ward Churchill interviewed by Derrick Jensen
- Ward Churchill The Research Misconduct Inquiry. www.colorado.edu. Retrieved on July 3, 2006.
- Report and Recommendations of the Standing Committee on Research Misconduct Concerning Allegations of Research Misconduct by Professor Ward Churchill (pdf). www.colorado.edu. Retrieved on July 3, 2006.
- Ward Churchill Solidarity Network homepage with information about Churchill, academic freedom, and indigenous issues
[edit] See also
Categories: Articles with unsourced statements since February 2007 | All articles with unsourced statements | American activists | American anarchists | American essayists | American political writers | Scholars of Marxism | Military personnel of the Vietnam War | University of Colorado people | G7 Welcoming Committee Records | 1947 births | Living people