What's Right, What's Wrong?
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"What's Right, What's Wrong?" is a song from the 1974 musical film, Huckleberry Finn based on the book by Mark Twain. It is sung by Jeff East who played the part of "Huckleberry". In the lyric we see that Huckleberry is confronted with a deep, life altering moral dillema. Unlike the previous year's Tom Sawyer, where the title character must also face the challenges of growing up; Huck's turmoil is far deeper. Huckleberry must decide how far he can allow himself slip morally, before he's lost himself altogether. This song represents the pivotal moment in Huckleberry's character arch. The song was written by the Sherman Brothers.
[edit] Literary Sources
- Sherman, Robert B. Walt's Time: from before to beyond. Pages: 178-181, Santa Clarita: Camphor Tree Publishers, 1998.