Wikipedia needs to use free images. Fair use is usable only in certain circumstances. Copyrighted images, such as album covers, can be used in an article only if a fair use rationale, specific to that article, appears on the image page.
The {{album cover}} tag establishes fair use only in an article about the album in question.
Fair use images cannot be used purely for decoration.
Fair use images cannot be used in discography sections.
Fair use images should be used sparingly. Each image must contribute specifically, uniquely and irreplaceably to the article.
Images should be laid out in an unobtrusive manner.
Start the article with a right-aligned image.
When using multiple images in the same article, they can be staggered left-and-right (Example: Platypus).
Avoid sandwiching text between two images facing each other.
Use {{Commons}} to link to images on Commons wherever possible.
A superscript circle, or degree sign, which indicates a diminished chord, that may not display correctly for everyone, "°", can be produced by typing °, °, or (on Windows PCs) Alt+0176. A superscript lower case "o" (<sup>o</sup>) may be used instead. The slashed o, "ø", which may not display correctly for all readers, is produced by superscripting the character produced by typing ø, ø, or Alt+0248.
For inversions and the degree sign superscript and subscript may be done thus:
vii<sup>o</sup> , I<sub>6</sub> .
which looks like
viio, I6.
Graphics of musical examples should be large enough to be legible but not so large that they overwhelm the text of an article. They also should not contain inordinate space between the notes.
When creating a graphic in a musical notation program keep the score as large as possible (through the layout or display setting in your notation program). If your example is short, three measure or less, you may increase its size on the page and decrease the page margins. That way the example will be as large as possible, but will not contain large spaces between the notes. Example of large space:
As can be seen in the above (which is reduced for display "|550px|"), the notes in both bars have fit within the space of one huge bar, unlike the following, which is not reduced for display
Save the file as type or extension .PNG. If .PNG is not an option in your notation program then save the score as another type of image file and convert that to .PNG (with Paint, for instance). Trim the image so that it only contains the example (no blank space or large margins!) and upload it to Wikipedia.
When you display that image in an article, then you specify the desired size between pipes ("|"s) as follows: [[Image:Example.png|550px|Example image]] Images larger than 550 pixels wide may not be conveniently displayed on 800x600 monitors, so keep images below that size where possible.