Wikipedia:Wikipedians/Green users
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- A bit iffy - Usually a Green Party voter, but I'm not as green as I know I ought to be
- bcatt - green supporter
- Celestianpower
- CunningLinguist
- *drew
- fonzy-I am an eco-activist, support Greenpeace, the Green Party(UK), I support the stop esso campaign [[1]], go to click to donate sites, sign petitions.
- Kel-nage - I am a Green party supporter as well as trying to do my part in saving the world with recycling and more
- LGagnon - registered member of the Green Party of the United States
- Linuxbeak - Strong supporter of nuclear energy to end reliance on coal and oil for power. Interested in pebble-bed reactors. AP Environmental Science student.
- Lir-I strongly oppose the oppressive censorship of environmentalists
- Markaci - I support Greenpeace, and I make an honest effort to be green.
- mxdxcxnx - Vegan, APES (AP Env. Sci.) student, Avid recycler & fertilizer
- Niffweed17 Environmental activist. I use what I need, but conserve as much as possible. I have no car and rely on public transportation and walking. Recycle, use recycled paper, etc.
- Ombudsman
- Ott- [Our eco-Wiki is this]
- Ringbang
- Schlüggell | Talk - I am an Eco-Activist, Treehugging, part-time arborist, Wobbly in sprit, permaculturist, vegetarian, gardener designer from ex-East Germany thats lived and worked with Navajo, Hopi, Ainu while building elevators to support the dream of helping others with language issues concerning [Deutsche sprache], and [日本語] and anything else that a leveller luddite can do to tear down these walls--until that happens I'm on the www for YOU!
- sheridan - I reuse, recycle, etc.
- Solar
- TheMightyGrecian
- Toucan6 Toucans do not like breakfast cereal!
- Twisturbed Tachyon - My best friend is a tree as well
- Uris supports The Nature Conservancy for preserving the wild things.
- Vanky
- Parmesan is / has been involved in promoting improved environmental performance in the UK higher education sector.
- veej progressive greenie / engineer
- Canaen - Green Anarchist, Vegan, like trees.
- Germs
- __earth - I consider myself as libertarian green. Something like free market environmentalist.
- user:shweta roberts -
i consider myself to be visionary.i can see that as man and animals evolve,there will be a war about whose earth exactly is this,we need to plan accordingly. animals are as much earthies as us
- Mitch Environmental activist. I love nature
- saxsux I visit my local Greenpeace festival every year! I'm vegan (since Oct '05 - just after my 15th birthday). Buy organic, fairtrade, or local foods wherever possible. Recycle a lot. Turn lights and electrical appliances off when I leave the room. You get the picture.
Seadog.M.S I love this world and everything on it im also a vegetarian. I Love Trees
- User:OhanaUnited - A student currently doing double major in biology and environmental science. I also created the userbox
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Feel free to use it, the code is {{User:OhanaUnited/Userboxes/Protect Environment}}