Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Neopaganism/Archive 1
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Archive of discussion from before WP:WPN's inception through to mid-February 2006.
Contents |
The Frosts
Not to be a dick, but do you really think the Frost's should have pages?
Mmm.. then again, I suppose I am being a dick. Oh well. It happens. I'm just part of the majority that despise them, that's all.
Search4Lancer 10:04, 22 December 2005 (UTC)
- I agree with your sentiments expressed here, as the works published by the Frosts contain a lot of blatantly fictional statements alongside the factual... but we cannot dispute that they are influential people.
- Tough articles to write and maintain, but they clearly meet WP:BIO. Jkelly 19:10, 28 January 2006 (UTC)
That's a Tall Order
i just want to say, thanks for attempting to NPOV the neopagan topics. that seems to me as though it would practically have to be a crusade. Whateley23 02:30, 19 January 2006 (UTC)
- Unfortunate word choice. Jkelly 19:10, 28 January 2006 (UTC)
Help is at hand
I would be happy to help with your projects, I have been a practicing Wiccan since 1995 and am co-founder of the Moon River Tradition in the uk wher i live.
as an aside one wiccan/pagan author who doesn't get nearly enough credit is Cassandra Easson. she has written over 70 books and is huge in sweaden but lives in the uk I.O.W she is a fabulous lady ( and I got a mention in one of her books , so i might be a little bit biased!) *grin* but she is non the less a talented lady,
email me if you would like a list of her books or any more info.
info (at) moonriverwicca (dot) co (dot) uk
AmethystTygerMoon 10:00, 28 January 2006 (UTC)
Info on Cassandra Eason
Books: Ancient Egyptian Magic: Classic Healing and Ritual for the 21st Century,
A Complete guide to divination,
A Practical Guide to Witchcraft and Magick Spells,
Every Woman a Witch,
Complete Guide to Night Magic,
10 Steps to Psychic Power,
Complete guide to psychic developement,
Modern Day Druidess,
Aura Reading,
Psychic Protection Lifts the Spirit,
Complete guide to Magic and Ritual,
Complete Book of Spells,
Crystal Healing Essentials,
Magic Spells for a Happy Life,
Smudging and Incense Burning,
The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals,
Tarot Talks to The Woman Within,
Psychic Suburbia,
Psychic Power of Children,
Modern Book of Dream Interpretation,
Discover Your Past Lives,
Chakra Power,
Contact Your Spirit Guides To Enrich Your Life,
There are loads more, but these are the ones on my book shelf at the mo!
Amethyst TygerMoon 10:25, 28 January 2006 (UTC)
Amethyst TygerMoon
- Some more useful data for whomever wants to write the biog. article for Ms. Eason-
I was just going through the WikiProjects the other day, contemplating if I had the time to create something like this, and marveling that it didn't exist yet...and here it is! My reason for wanting something like this is obviously to increase the coverage/improve the NPOV and quality of our neopagan articles, but also so we can catch things like New Order of Druids and Traditions Magazine, which I suspect is more self-promotional cruft with interlocking nn-bios. More later... -- nae'blis (talk) 18:04, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
Straif's introduction
Like nae'blis, I thought that a project like this is needed, but I don't think I have enough wikipedia experience to have taken on the task. And I certainly don't want anything resembling a leadership position when neopagans are involved. I think I can contribute on the druid (I'm an OBODie) parts and I have an interest in Welsh myth. I believe that historical accuracy and academic honesty are extremely important. For example, if discussing a deity from the Mabinogion, a distinction should be made (with good secondary sources to back it up) from the original stories and more modern contributions (Iolo Morganwg and Robert Graves come to mind). But it should also stay NPOV--neither one is necessarily more important or better than the other, but they are different. Also, I have connections in an Interlibrary loan department at a college. In other words, I have access to just about every book at most of the public and university libraries in the US. Actually, most people do (or their country's equivalent). Befriending a librarian doesn't hurt. Anyway, I can probably help with citations. And I've had too much coffee and am starting to babble. -- Straif 14:25, 10 February 2006 (UTC)
Redone task list
I've added some new sections to the task list - feel free to add new articles any time. I bolded a couple of articles that seemed especially urgent due to high visibility. If you take care of one of the tasks on the list to the point where it doesn't need to be listed any more, go ahead and add it to the "tasks from the past" list at the bottom of the page. Also, please tag any stubs you find on pagan/neopagan topics with the new {{paganism-stub}}. - AdelaMae (talk - contribs) 05:06, 10 February 2006 (UTC)
Do past nominations for deletion need to be striked? it makes them hard to read. I think If they werent under a seperate heading (and annotated) I would understand, but it just kinda seems redundant. Also why don't they go under ==Tasks From the Past== ?
--Phoenix9 01:49, 19 February 2006 (UTC)