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WinBuilder is a free application designed to build and customize boot disks.
The main advantage of WinBuilder is the relative ease to use, friendly GUI and the ongoing community effort to further automate and develop the customization of these boot disks.
Boot disks are based on projects and scripts wich can produce very diferent results dependent of the expected result from the end-user.
[edit] Related reviews and articles
- WinBuilder Chip Edition Magazine article introducing Vista CE project using WinBuilder (German Chip Edition)
- Program review and discussion topic from russian users
- Moka5 review LivePC development site
- PiojoLandia Spanish blog review
[edit] List of currently available projects
- LiveXP / NativeEx Based on Windows XP/Windows 2003
- VistaPE Based on Windows PE 2.0 (included on Vista DVD and WAIK)
- PicoXP Minimalistic 14Mb boot disk based on XP
- ReactOS liveCD Based on the Open Source ReactOS
All of these projects are developed and distributed freely and aim to provide an alternative to other popular LiveCD distribution based on Linux such as Knoppix, Slax, DammSmall Linux wich are known for their use in rescue or administrative actions on PC's.