From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
World War II was relatively kind to Wrzeszcz, as only a few buildings suffered damage. More destructive to the beautiful buildings was the communist regime's postwar policy of eradicating evidence of the borough's wealthy capitalists. Buildings were allowed to fall into disrepair and owners were evicted and their houses separated into tiny apartments which were then leased to people without means to maintain them.
EN: This statement is rather incorrect. Wrzeszcz has indeed survived World War II with only light damage, but further destruction wasn't done by the communist regime. It has been almost totally destroyed in 1945 when the Russian Army was liberating the area of Gdansk. There are many sources of evidence but the best way to prove this are photos of Gdansk from 1939-1945 period showing the city almost unharmed.
PL: Powyzsze stwierdzenie jest bardzo niescisle. Istotnie, Wrzeszcz przetrwal II wojne bez wiekszych zniszczen, jednak destrukcja dokonala sie nie w okresie rezimu komunistycznego, lecz w momencie wyzwolenia Gdanska przez wojska rosyjskie w 1945. Jest wiele zrodel potwierdzajacych ten fakt ale najlepszym dowodem sa wojenne fotografie z lat 1939-1945 ukazujace miasto prawie nietkniete.
Spavatch 12:49, 17 January 2007 (UTC)