XM110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System
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The XM110 SASS, Semi Automatic Sniper System, is a semi-automatic rifle intended to replace the M24 Sniper Weapon System and M21 Sniper Weapon System used by snipers, spotters, designated marksmen, or squad advanced marksmen in the US Army. The Army ran a competition involving several designs, including ones from Knights Armament Company, Remington, and DPMS Panther Arms. It is interesting to note that all the entries from these companies seemed to use designs based around the AR-10 action. On 28th September, 2005, the Knights Armament Co. rifle won the competition and was selected to be the M110 Semi-Automatic Sniper System.
It is manufactured by Knight's Armament Company in Titusville, Florida, though the complete system uses Leupold daytime optics, Harris swivel bipods, AN/PVS-14 night sights, and PALs magazine pouches of yet unpublished origin.
It fires 7.62 mm NATO match grade ammunition.
The rifle is very similar to the SR-25 and Mk 11 Mod 0 Semiautomatic precision rifles, which are based loosely off the AR-10 rifle, but differs significantly in buttstock and rail system design.
The main differences between the Mk 11 Mod 0 and XM110 are the rail system used -- the KAC Free Floated RAS on the Mk 11 is replaced by a URX modular rail system; buttstock -- A2 Style fixed versus A1 length adjustable; and the addition of a flash hider to the barrel, which also necessitates a modified QD Suppressor unit.
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