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The Yg'z (also known as Young Gunz) is an American Hip-Hop group who recorded the EP "street nigga" on Reprise/Warner Bros. Records in 1993. This group is not to be confused with the popular hip-hop group by the same name that is more commonly known as Young Gunz.
[edit] Pete Rock Association
Four out of the six songs on "Street Nigga" were produced by the infamous producer hip-hop Pete Rock, who took the group under his wing and helped them get a record deal at Warner Bros. Records, the parent company to Elektra Records which Pete Rock was signed to. The YG'z were also shouted out in Pete Rock & C.L.'s song "Straighten It Out" off of their Mecca and the Soul Brother album:
- Everybody must...straighten it out
- The YG'Z, they must...straighten it out
- The hilltop, they must...straighten it out
The group was from Mount Vernon, New York, which was also home at one point to not only Pete Rock's extended musical family, but also to rap artists Heavy D, P Diddy, and DMX.
[edit] Discography
Street Nigga (EP) - 1993 - Reprise Records
1) StREEt NiGGA (produced by Pete Rock)
2) GHETTO CELEB (produced by Pete Rock)
3) SUMtHIN' 4 DA HEAD (produced by Pete Rock)
4) WONDERS IN DA BED (produced by Vance Wright)
5) ITCHY TRiGGER FiNgER (produced by DJ Eddie F)
[edit] StREET NiGGA Editing
On the album's title track "Street Nigga", the word "cops" is eddited from all versions of this release except the promo version. The line in the song refers to shooting police officers in the head:
- Jus coolin' on the block so my glock'll pop
- More niggaz in the head, Even fuckin' *cops*
- I got soldiers, .45 pistol holders
The rest of the song is left unedited. This was perhaps a preventative measure taken by Warner Bros. Records to avoid the controversy caused by Ice-T's song Cop Killer, also released on Warner Bros. Records the year before.