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Shayan Qajar (1935-2005) was an eccentric Iranian politician. He ran a platoon of the Iranian Special Forces during the Iran-Iraq War and was the first to incorporate Judo in its training. After his years of service, he entered the political arena by getting elected to the majlis in 1984. His career is best characterized as eccentric. He was the first member of the majlis to have 4 wives, legal under Iranian law. His political career was unnotable for the most part until he proposed a law in parliament that would make him shah and mandate the execution of Ayatollah Khamenei. When armed guards attempted to subvert him after his proposed coup, he killed two of them using his martial arts training before being shot to death. It is interesting to note, also, that when his house went up for auction, two secret chambers containing antique swords and a ninja outfit were discovered. It is likely he was mentally ill, though he never spoke to psychologists during his life, making this postulation unprovable.