De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
[edit] Beschreibung
Deutsch: Cockpit eines Airbus A319 von easyJet am 28. 03. 2006 nach der Landung in Tallinn.
der Veröffentlichung haben die Piloten zugestimmt
English: The cockpit of an easyJet Airbus A319 on March 28, 2006 after a landing in Tallinn.
The pilots have given their agreement to the publication of the photo.
Eesti: EasyJet-i Airbus A319 kokpit peale maandumist Tallinnas, 28.03.2006.
Piloodid on andnud nõusoleku pildi avaldamiseks.
[edit] Author
Ralf Roletschek (User:Marcela)
[edit] Licensing
I, the author of this work, hereby publish it under the following licenses:
You may select the license of your choice.
[edit] Camera
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