Canario del manglar
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Canario del manglar Estado de conservación: Riesgo bajo (lc)
Clasificación científica | |||||||||||||||
Nombre binomial | |||||||||||||||
Dendroica petechia (Linnaeus, 1766) |
El canario del manglar, Dendroica petechia, es un canario del Nuevo Mundo. Es el más distribuido de los canarios Dendroica, procreando en toda Norteamérica y baja al norte de Sudamérica. Tiene 35 razas geográficas, divididas en tres grupos principales.
- El Dendroica petechia, aestiva, en toda Norteamérica, el sur y el centro de México en tierras de montes y arbustos, con frecuencia húmedos. Es migratorio, invernando en América Central y en Sudamérica. Es una forma muy rara de encontarr en Europa occidental. Tiene 11,5 cm de largo y pesa 9 g. Los machos en verano son verdosos arriba y amarillos abajo, con pecho rojo. Esta raza aestiva varía principalmente en brillantez.
- El Dendroica petechia, erithacoroides, grupo más grande: 12,5 cm y 11 g. Reside en manglares de las costas de América Central y el norte de Sudamérica. Los machos en verano difieren de aestiva en tener capuchas. Las razas en este grupo varían en la extensión y tonos de la capucha.
- El Dendroica petechia dorado, petechia, grupo residente en manglares de Indias Occidentales. Los amchos en verano difieren de aestiva en que tienen una corona o capucha. Las razas en este grupo varían en extensión y tonos de la mancha en la cabeza.
Otros plumajes es esencialmente verdosos arriba y amarillento debajo, y los jóvenes machos adquieren rápidamente rayas en el pecho, y a veces coloración en la cabeza.
Vive en mangles, bosques secos de la costa y arbustos cerca del agua, pantanos y ríos en tierras bajas.
Se alimentan de insectos y arañas. Las razas norteñas comen también berries. Anidan en hierba. Tanto el macho como la hembra alimentan los polluelos.
Aestiva pone 3 a 6 huevos, y los otros dos grupos, que procrean en manglares, ponen menos huevos.
El llamado varía mucho entre razas; es un suave o fuerte yip.
Esta especie es víctima regular del tordo Molothrus, un parásito de nidos.
Tabla de contenidos |
[editar] Referencias
- IUCN: 2006, asesores:BirdLife International. 2004; id: 53646. Dendroica petechia. 12 may0 2006. Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern
- New World Warblers por Curson, Quinn y Beadle, ISBN 0-7136-3932-6
[editar] Enlaces externos
- Canario del manglar por John Audubon
- Canario del manglar: información y fotos - Aves de Dakota del Sur
- Yellow Warbler Species Account - Cornell Lab de Ornitología
- Yellow Warbler - Dendroia petechia - USGS Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter
[editar] Más lecturas
[editar] Libro
- Lowther, P. E., C. Celada, N. K. Klein, C. C. Rimmer, D. A. Spector. 1999. Dendroica petechia. Las aves de Norteamérica Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Laboratory de Ornitología; Retrieved from The Birds of North American Online database
[editar] Tesis
- Beebee MD. Ph.D. (2003). Signal complexity in avian communication: The function of multiple singing modes in yellow warblers. Duke University, United States -- North Carolina.
- Boulet M. Ph.D. (2005). Evolutionary history and migration patterns in the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). McMaster University (Canada), Canada.
- Brown BT. Ph.D. (1987). Ecology of riparian breeding birds along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona. The University of Arizona, United States -- Arizona.
- Burgham MCJ. M.Sc. (1985). The impact of brood parasitism by the brown-headed cowbird on the reproductive tactics of the yellow warbler. University of Ottawa (Canada), Canada.
- Cassidy ALEV. M.Sc. (1987). Male quality as expressed by song and plumage in yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) and its relationship to mate choice and reproductive success. McGill University (Canada), Canada.
- Celada C. Ph.D. (2000). Territory choice and quality in the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia): The importance of habitat spatial structure, spatial scale, social factors, and the impact of cattle grazing. University of Alberta (Canada), Canada.
- Clark KL. M.Sc. (1978). The selective advantages of yellow warblers, Dendroic petechia, nesting in interspecific aggregations. Queen's University at Kingston (Canada), Canada.
- Debruyne CA. M.Sc. (2003). Pattern and chronology of prebasic moult in wood-warblers (Parulidae). Lakehead University (Canada), Canada.
- Frydendall MJ. Ph.D. (1967). FEEDING ECOLOGY AND TERRITORIAL BEHAVIORAL OF THE YELLOW WARBLER. Utah State University, United States -- Utah.
- Gill SA. M.Sc. (1995). Information transfer, function, and evolution of yellow warbler alarm calls. The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- Hebert PN. Ph.D. (1991). The relative importance of brood reduction, predation and parental investment in the evolution of hatching asynchrony in yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia). The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- Hebert PN. Ph.D. (1991). The relative importance of brood reduction, predation and parental investment in the evolution of hatching asynchrony in yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia). The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- Hobson KA. M.Sc. (1988). Protection of genetic parentage in the yellow warbler, Dendroica petechia. The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- Klein NK. Ph.D. (1992). Historical processes and the evolution of geographic variation patterns in the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). University of Michigan, United States -- Michigan.
- Lozano GA. Ph.D. (1996). Parental care and female mate choice in yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia). McGill University (Canada), Canada.
- McLaren CM. M.Sc. (2000). Patterns of host nest use by brown-headed cowbirds parasitizing song sparrows and yellow warblers. The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- McMaster DG. Ph.D. (1997). An experimental investigation of strategies used by brown-headed cowbirds to optimize parental care. The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- Merkle WW. Ph.D. (2002). Recreational trail-use effects on American robin (Turdus migratorius) and yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia) nesting ecology and behavior. University of Colorado at Boulder, United States -- Colorado.
- Mico MA. M.Sc. (1998). Yellow warbler nests: Structure, building materials and cowbird parasitism. The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- Mitra SS. Ph.D. (1996). Sexual dimorphism and plumage elaboration in socially-monogamous birds. The University of Chicago, United States -- Illinois.
- Mochol FE. M.A. (1982). SONG COMPONENTS ELICITING SPECIES RECOGNITION IN THE YELLOW WARBLER (DENDROICA PETECHIA). State University of New York College at Geneseo, United States -- New York.
- Salgado-Ortiz J. Ph.D. (2006). Breeding ecology of the mangrove warbler (Dendroica petechia bryanti): Assessing the effects of weather, food abundance and nest depredation. Queen's University at Kingston (Canada), Canada.
- Scarpino VM. M.A. (1985). VOCAL RECOGNITION IN THE YELLOW WARBLER (DENDROICA PETECHIA) (INDIVIDUAL, MATE, RECOGNITION, NEW YORK). State University of New York College at Geneseo, United States -- New York.
- Skaley JE. Ph.D. (1981). CLASSIFYING AVIAN HABITAT WITH AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS. Cornell University, United States -- New York.
- Spector DA. Ph.D. (1989). The singing behavior of Yellow Warblers. University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States -- Massachusetts.
- Stewart RLM. M.Sc. (2003). Reported black-billed and yellow-billed cuckoo hosts' responses to a dummy black-billed cuckoo and cuckoo-like eggs. The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- Studd MV. M.Sc. (1984). Patterns of plumage variation, territoriality, and parental investment in yellow warblers. Queen's University at Kingston (Canada), Canada.
- Sutherland DL. M.Sc. (1987). Age-related reproductive success in the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). The University of Manitoba (Canada), Canada.
- Tewksbury JJ. Ph.D. (2000). Breeding biology of birds in a Western riparian forest: From demography to behavior. University of Montana, United States -- Montana.
- Vieira SJ. Ph.D. (2001). The interaction of nest predation and brood parasitism: Factors and consequences of renesting in songbirds. Michigan State University, United States -- Michigan.
- Wiedenfeld DA. Ph.D. (1988). Ecomorphology and foraging behavior of the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). The Florida State University, United States -- Florida.
- Wilson CM. Ph.D. (2002). An endocrine basis for trade-offs between immediate survival and reproductive success in arctic- and temperate-breeding yellow warblers, Dendroica petechia. The University of Mississippi, United States -- Mississippi.
- Witt JW. Ph.D. (2005). Shrub and grassland birds at Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge in northern Virginia and the influence burning and mowing has had upon their distribution and abundance. George Mason University, United States -- Virginia.
- Yezerinac SM. Ph.D. (1995). Extra-pair mating in yellow warblers: Sexual selection and reproductive strategies. Carleton University (Canada), Canada.
[editar] Artículos
- Bankwitz KG & Thompson WL. (1979). Song Characteristics of the Yellow Warbler Dendroica-Petechia. Wilson Bulletin. vol 91, no 4. p. 533-550.
- Beebee MD. (2004). The functions of multiple singing modes: experimental tests in yellow warblers, Dendroica petechia. Animal Behaviour. vol 67, no Part 6. p. 1089-1097.
- Biermann GC & Sealy SG. (1982). Parental Feeding of Nestling Yellow Warblers Dendroica-Petechia in Relation to Brood Size and Prey Availability. Auk. vol 99, no 2. p. 332-341.
- Briskie JV. (1995). Nesting biology of the Yellow Warbler at the northern limit of its range. Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 66, no 4. p. 531-543.
- Browning MR. (1989). The Nomenclatural Status and Type Locality of the Yellow Warbler Subspecies Dendroica-Petechia-Aestiva Gmelin Aves Parulinae. Canadian Field Naturalist. vol 103, no 4. p. 597-599.
- Browning MR. (1994). A taxonomic review of Dendroica petechia (Yellow warbler) (Aves: Parulinae). Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. vol 107, no 1. p. 27-51.
- Burgham MCJ & Picman J. (1989). Effect of Brown-Headed Cowbirds on the Evolution of Yellow Warbler Anti-Parasite Strategies. Animal Behaviour. vol 38, no 2. p. 298-308.
- Busby DG & Sealy SG. (1979). Feeding Ecology of a Population of Nesting Yellow Warblers Dendroica-Petechia. Canadian Journal of Zoology. vol 57, no 8. p. 1670-1681.
- Celada C. (1998). Avian response to territory quality and spatial structure. The Yellow Warbler as an example. Biologia e Conservazione della Fauna. vol 102, no 285.
- Cilimburg AB, Lindberg MS, Tewksbury JJ & Hejl SJ. (2002). Effects of dispersal on survival probability of adult Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia). Auk. vol 119, no 3. p. 778-789.
- Clark KL & Robertson RJ. (1981). Cowbird Molothrus-Ater Parasitism and Evolution of Anti Parasite Strategies in the Yellow Warbler Dendroica-Petechia. Wilson Bulletin. vol 93, no 2. p. 249-258.
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- Dawson RJG, Gibbs HL, Hobson KA & Yezerinac SM. (1997). Isolation of microsatellite DNA markers from a passerine bird, Dendroica petechia (the yellow warbler), and their use in population studies. Heredity. vol 79, no 5. p. 506-514.
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- Gibbs HL, Dawson RJG & Hobson KA. (2000). Limited differentiation in microsatellite DNA variation among northern populations of the yellow warbler: Evidence for male-biased gene flow?. Molecular Ecology. vol 9, no 12. p. 2137-2147.
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- Hobson KA & Sealy SG. (1990). Female Song in the Yellow Warbler. Condor. vol 92, no 1. p. 259-261.
- Klein NK. (1990). Character Evolution and Phylogenetic Relationships among Populations of the Yellow Warbler Dendroica-Petechia. University of Maryland and the Smithsonian Institute. FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY; COLLEGE PARK, MARYLAND, USA, JULY 1-7, 1990.
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- Mannan RW. (1979). American Redstart Setophaga-Ruticilla Assists at Yellow Warbler Dendroica-Petechia Nest. Bird Banding. vol 50, no 3.
- Mazerolle DF, Dufour KW, Hobson KA & den Haan HE. (2005). Effects of large-scale climatic fluctuations on survival and production of young in a Neotropical migrant songbird, the yellow warbler Dendroica petechia. Journal of Avian Biology. vol 36, no 2. p. 155-163.
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- McMaster DG & Sealy SG. (1999). Do Brown-headed Cowbird hatchlings alter adult Yellow Warbler behavior during the hatching period?. Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 70, no 3. p. 365-373.
- Mennill DJ. (2001). Song characteristics and singing behavior of the Mangrove Warbler (Dendroica petechia bryanti). Journal of Field Ornithology. vol 72, no 3. p. 327-337.
- Milot E, Gibbs HL & Hobson KA. (2000). Phylogeography and genetic structure of northern populations of the yellow warbler (Dendroica petechia). Molecular Ecology. vol 9, no 6. p. 667-681.
- Mitra SS. (1996). Sexual dimorphism and genetic parentage in the socially-monogamous yellow warbler. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. p. PART 2) 309, 1996.
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- Studd MV & Robertson RJ. (1985). Evidence for Reliable Badges of Status in Territorial Yellow Warblers Dendroica-Petechia. Animal Behaviour. vol 33, no 4. p. 1102-1113.
- Studd MV & Robertson RJ. (1985). Sexual Selection and Variation in Reproductive Strategy in Male Yellow Warblers Dendroica-Petechia. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. vol 17, no 2. p. 101-110.
- Studd MV & Robertson RJ. (1988). Differential Allocation of Reproductive Effort to Territorial Establishment and Maintenance by Male Yellow Warblers Dendroica-Petechia. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. vol 23, no 4. p. 199-210.
- Taylor DM & Littlefield CD. (1986). Willow Flycatcher and Yellow Warbler Response to Cattle Grazing. American Birds. vol 40, no 5. p. 1169-1173.
- Underwood TJ. (2003). Red squirrel predation on Warbling Vireo and Yellow Warbler Nests. Blue Jay. vol 61, no 4. p. 199-200.
- Whitmore RC, Whitmore RC & Whitmore MM. (2000). Distributional notes on the Mangrove Warbler (Dendroica petechia castaneiceps) near the northern edge of its range in eastern Baja California Sur, Mexico. Western North American Naturalist. vol 60, no 2. p. 228-229.
- Wilson CM & Holberton RL. (2005). Individual risk versus immediate reproductive success: A basis for latitudinal differences in the adrenocortical response to stress in Yellow Warblers (Dendroica petechia). Auk. vol 121, no 4. p. 1238-1249.
- Wilson CM & Holberton RL. (2005). Individual risk versus immediate reproductive success: A basis for latitudinal differences in the adrenocortical response to stress in yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) (vol 121, 1238, 2005). Auk. vol 122, no 1. p. 05.
- Yezerinac SM, Gibbs HL, Briskie JV, Whittam R & Montgomerie R. (1999). Extrapair paternity in a far northern population of Yellow Warblers Dendroica petechia. Journal of Avian Biology. vol 30, no 2. p. 234-237.
- Yezerinac SM & Weatherhead PJ. (1997). Extra-pair mating, male plumage coloration and sexual selection in yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences. vol 264, no 1381. p. 527-532.
- Yezerinac SM & Weatherhead PJ. (1997). Reproductive synchrony and extra-pair mating strategy in a socially monogamous bird, Dendroica petechia. Animal Behaviour. vol 54, no 6. p. 1393-1403.
- Yezerinac SM, Weatherhead PJ & Boag PT. (1995). Extra-pair paternity and the opportunity for sexual selection in a socially monogamous bird (Dendroica petechia). Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. vol 37, no 3. p. 179-188.