De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
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[edit] Summary
en:Thunderbird Park, 2006. Left to right: Mungo Martin House aka Wawadit'la (traditional en:Kwakwaka'wakw "big house", 1953), Kwakwaka'wakw heraldic pole (1953), Kwakwaka'wakw pole (1981), Kwakwaka'wakw pole (1954). (Reference retrieved 2006-06-24)
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User HighInBC on en.wikipedia
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This photo was taken by Ryan Bushby(HighInBC) with his Canon PowerShot A520.
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Originally from en.wikipedia; description page is (was) here
* 20:51, 8 September 2006 [[:en:User:HighInBC|HighInBC]] 2132×1629 (2,294,256 bytes) <span class="comment">(== Summary == [[:en:Thunderbird Park]], 2006. Left to right: Mungo Martin House aka Wawadit'la (traditional [[:en:Kwakwaka'wakw]] "big house", 1953), Kwakwaka'wakw heraldic pole (1953), Kwakwaka'wakw pole (1981), Kwakwaka'wakw pole (1954), [[:en:Haida]] pole (1984). )</span> |
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