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[edit] Summary
Marshal of the Soviet Union Badge
[edit] Source
From: en:Image:SovietGrandMarshal.gif (22:01, 24 September 2005)
[edit] File history of original en version
- 20:28, 1 August 2005 . . Husnock . . 106x245 (14378 bytes) (Marshal of the Soviet Union Badge {{PD-USGov-Military}})
[edit] Licensing
This image displays an insignia of a rank in the Soviet Union. International law requires these for combatant identification which therefore makes copyrighting rank insignias in violation of international law. This means the image is in the public domain. This applies worldwide.
Note that the use of such symbols is restricted in many countries independently of the copyright status.
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If possible, please upload a PNG version (or JPEG for some photos) of this image, and mark the GIF image as {{superseded|Image:new image name}}. If you like, encourage other Wikimedia projects using the GIF to use the new version instead.
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